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粗粒芥末和培根、沙拉一起吃味道更好。Good with bacon and salads.

胡椒和芥末都是辣的。She sauced the beef with pepper.

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哦太糟糕了来点芥末蘸蛋吗?Oh, it's just awful. Deviled egg?

请加蕃茄酱和芥末。With ketchup and mustard, please.

李派林,甜椒,番茄沙司,芥末。HP sauce, chili, ketchup, mustard.

他向菜里放了些芥末。He put some mustard into the dish.

他把芥末很快地涂在三明治上。He slapped mustard on the sandwich.

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芥末我吃不来。I'm not especially fond of mustard.

汉堡都加了芥末和番茄酱。All hamburger with ketchup and mustard.

深芥末黄色带铜色亮片。Deep mustard yellow with copper sparkle.

我不小心掉了一团芥末在裤子上。I dropped a glob of mustard on my pants.

汉堡都加了芥末和番茄酱。B、They all come with mustard and ketchup.

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汉堡都加了芥末和番茄酱。B, They all come with mustard and ketchup.

汉堡都加了芥末和番茄酱。All hamburger are with mustard and ketchup.

加入芥末和牛奶然后用文火慢慢煮。Add the mustard and milk and bring to a simmer.

芥末苹果、抱子甘蓝和香芹。Brussels sprouts with mustard, apples and caraway.

你的智慧,先生,像图克斯伯里芥末一样让人想流泪。”Your wit, sir, is as thick as Tewkesbury Mustard,"

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这肉里应该加点盐和芥末调味。This meat should be seasoned with salt and mustard.

芥末果肉蜂蜜即可冷食也可热食。The Honey Mustard Fruits can be served cold or warm.

或者以全生的冷盘上桌,配有一抹让人燃烧的芥末料。Or, have it cold and raw with a blob of fiery wasabi.