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嘿,老伙计,你还得干活呀,咦?Hello, old chap, you got to work, hey?

好啊,尝尝这个怎么样,老伙计。All right, try this one on for size, big boy.

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肯,老伙计,说实在的我真佩服你这口语化的腔调。Ken, compadre, I admire the colloquial style.

老伙计,那你就给她唱支‘甲鱼汤’,好吗?Sing her "Turtle Soup, " will you, old fellow?

其他酒徒则对这位老伙计十分同情。The other drinkers take pity on the old fellow.

数十个,上百,也许还要更多,那些老伙计们头已经光秃,而满头浓发Dozens, a hundred, more, older fellows bald &rich

“安静点,老伙计,”爱德华喊到,“喂,别大惊小怪的,安静点。" cried Edward. "Now then, don't make a fuss, quiet! "

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我们这些老伙计都对你爸爸说你太可爱了。All of us old men told your father how lovely you were.

嗨,保罗,老伙计,你在马身上下过注吗?Say, Paul, old man, do you ever put anything on a horse?

老伙计,恐怕你的生意这次是无利可图。I'm afraid you're backed a loser there this time, old chap.

老伙计,我没有伤害你的感情吧?我是万万不肯伤你的感情的。I have not hurt your feelings? I would not do that for the world.

不必感到受伤,我亲爱的老伙计,你知道我这个人缺点人情味。Don't be hurt, my dear fellow. You know that I am quite impersonal.

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老伙计把他的长寿归功于生姜咖喱、茶和“幸福感”。The old boy puts his long life down to ginger curry, tea and "being happy".

这番侃大山,引得其他一些老伙计带着他们的故事,走到我们这桌。That brought some of the other old gimps over to the table with their stories.

柜台后面的老伙计皱起了眉头,问我们想要喝什么咖啡。The old guy behind the counter frowned and asked what kind of coffee we wanted.

我非常抱歉,你知道,老伙计——你知道我希望你能留下来——我想让你留下来……I'm very sorry, you see, old man you know I'd like you to stay I want you to stay.

老伙计犹豫了一下,目光由从他的珍贵的头盔望向狂暴的军士长。The old boy hesitated, looking from his precious helmet to the apoplectic Oberfeldwebel.

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嘿,老伙计,我听小道消息说你要结婚了,是真的吗?Hey, old buddy, I heard it through the grapevine that you are getting married. Can that be true?

我千里迢迢来到这就是为了今晚站在门口,只要我那老伙计露面我也就不虚此行了。I came a thousand miles to stand in this door tonight, and it's worth it if my old partner turns up.

“别哭,科波菲尔,老伙计!”他和善地说道,“我也很高兴见到你,你在这里干什么?”Don't cry, Copperfield, old body! ' he said kindly. ' I'm glad to see you too. What are you doing here? '