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你经常徒步旅行吗?Do you hike often?

之后他徒步逃离。He escaped on foot.

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我不喜欢徒步旅行。I don't like hiking.

他徒步旅行。He journeyed on foot.

去遍山。我在山中徒步。I hiked over the mountain.

你以前徒步旅行过吗?Have you been hiking before?

我喜欢徒步观赏瀑布。I’d like to hike the Cascades.

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没有啥机关不用先徒步十里?。No sit-ups. No, ten-mile hike.

他打算徒步旅行环游世界一周。He wants to hike round the world.

下周日我不去徒步旅行。I am not going hiking next Sunday.

我喜欢在真正的野外徒步旅行。I like hiking in real wildernessv.

别带汤姆去徒步旅行,他的身体还很虚弱。Not to hike Tom,who is still weak.

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我们正徒步跋涉在平坦的大道上。We are trudging a plain high road.

徒步旅行在中国还不流行。Hiking is not yet popular in China.

今天我们去玉德希湖徒步行。Today we went to Ödseen for hiking.

邀请她徒步远足或者骑自行车。Invite her on a hike or a bike ride.

去年我住过摩洛哥山里的贝多因营地,上周我还要徒步行走蒙古。Next week, I'm trekking in Mongolia.

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我们还去徒步旅行,或者宿营。or we go hikes or we just go camping.

小黄喜欢背包徒步旅行。Huang likes to travel as a backpacker.

所以我是徒步旅行小组的一员。so I am part of this hiking group here.