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这个装具模块完全利用了这一点。The harness fully takes advantage of this.

在开发环境中安装测试装具模块Install the test harness in your development environment

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刃纹是腐蚀出来的。装具看也做旧。假。The grains come out from cautery . The fittings is fake, too.

可以容易地扩展这个装具模块让它支持多个项目。You could easily extend the harness to support multiple projects.

铠甲是冷兵器战争时代将士披挂在身上的防护装具。Armor was used by the soldiers to protect themselves in the cold weapon era.

更低的噪音控制,就是加装具有吸音效果的消音箱。The more low noise control, is the sound-absorbing effect with the censored box.

素铜装具,厚重,包浆老,不像清剑,到不到明?Plain copper fittings, massy , old wrapped slurry, not like Qing Jian, wonder in Ming Dynasty?

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很有特点的刀,装具的形制、文饰,刀身上的图案值得研究。Characteristic Dao. The shape of fittings , decoration and pattern on body are worth researching.

根据PEO士兵的数据,KDH的防弹携行装具除了弹道板重约6.47磅。Without ballistic plates, the KDH plate carrier weighs 6.47 pounds, according to PEO Soldier data.

京剧泰斗程长庚发起了一次“整饬装具”运动。The Peking Opera Master Cheng Changgeng launched a movement of redressing modernizing the drama costumes.

我在放下滚雷装具后不久就压上了一枚地雷,但除了崩掉一大块橡胶之外它没有能造成什么实质性的伤害。I ran over a mine right after I dropped my mine-roller, but it didn't do any real damage other than chunking rubber.

现在对于测试装具模块如何工作已经有了很好的认识,可能迫不及待要自己试试它了。Now that you have a solid understanding of how the test harness works, you're probably eager to try it out yourself.

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在两个小时的会面中,我们审议了从装具到家具、油漆色板到瓷砖类型及颜色的每一项。In the two-hour meeting, we reviewed everything from fixtures to furniture, paint swatches to tiling types and colors.

所获得的结果可用于分析面部三维形态特征,并为供氧面罩等面部防护装具的造型设计提供依据。The results can be applied to the analysis of 3D face feature and design of oxygen mask and face-protecting equipment.

我发现我的右履带已经被抛到了里侧,已经完全超出了滚雷装具支架的边缘。I found out that my right track had thrown to the inside, and had gone completely over the edge of the mine-roller bracket.

闲来无事,用钢锯条做刀剑。木做剑鞘刀鞘,包真皮,寿山石和黄杨木做的装具。I'm free and make a sword by hacksaw, a scabbard by wood, with corium covered on, and fittings by Shoushan stone and boxwood.

我相信您注意到了除非在运行前修改源代码,否则这个装具模块只能用于一个项目。I'm sure you noticed that the harness will work only for a single project, unless you were to modify the source before running it.

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该车采用依维柯载货底盘,加装具有防震、防雨的驱鸟系统和电气系统。This vehicle is refitted from Iveco chassis. It is equipped with shock-and-rain proof bird repelling system and electrical system.

车身壁板是由钢板在车身厂经冲压而成,然后用特殊的装具运到装配厂去。The Body panels are stamped from sheet metal at fabrication plants and transmitted to the assembly plant in special containers or racks.

透水铺装具有缓解城市防洪压力、涵养地下水源、改善城市热环境等特点。Pervious surfaces could decrease the urban storm peak, conserve rainfall in the underground, and reduce the high air temperature of city.