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我打喷嚏。I sneeze.

干咳、咳嗽、打喷嚏。Hacking. Coughing.

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我感到有点想打喷嚏。I feel a little sneezy.

飞尘使他打喷嚏。The dust made him sneeze.

你打喷嚏,我听到了。You sneezed. I heard you.

我鼻子发痒,想打喷嚏。My nose tickles and I sneeze.

我吹冷气会打喷嚏。Air conditioners make me sneeze.

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打喷嚏时要掩着嘴巴。Cover your mouth when you sneeze.

仅敢呼吸或打喷嚏。Barely daring to breathe or Achoo.

魏斯理整天打喷嚏和咳嗽。Wesley sneezes and coughs all day.

我吹冷气会打喷嚏。Air conditioner can make me sneeze.

我打喷嚏而且还流鼻涕。I'm sneezing and my nose is running.

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当你感冒时,为什么会打喷嚏?Why do you sneeze when you get a cold?

亚历克斯。李可以睁着眼打喷嚏。Alex Lee can sneeze with his eyes open.

你在打喷嚏。需要面纸吗?。You're sneezing. Do you need a Kleenex?

当然,我在此是谈谈打喷嚏。I am talking, of course, about sneezing.

有人在你的屋里打喷嚏吗?Someone in your house have the sniffles?

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我眼睛发痒,而且一直打喷嚏。My eyes are itchy and I have been sneezing.

人们之前就已经在打喷嚏了。People have been sneezing in the front row.

当有人打喷嚏时,你会说“保佑你!”Do you say "Bless you!" when someone sneezes?