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好的。烹任可是我的拿手好戏。OK. I'm good at cooking.

弹吉他是我的拿手好戏。Playing the guitar is my thing.

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扮演皇室成员是她的拿手好戏。She seems at home playing a royal.

书虫式的环境保护主义正是戈尔先生的拿手好戏。Nerdy environmentalism is Mr Gore's forte.

我的天赋或者说我的拿手好戏就是写作。One of my skills and something that comes easy to me is writing.

不让痛苦、多余的东西进入我的记忆,是我的拿手好戏。I do good job of blocking painful, unnecessary things from my memory.

推销术和广告术是美国人的拿手好戏。Salesmanship and advertising are activities in which Americans excel.

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爬山、滑翔或是蹦极可能是你的拿手好戏。Mountain climbing, hang gliding, or bungee jumping might be right up your alley.

自然的拿手好戏就是处理分散和稀释的东西,而人工却处理不了。Nature excels in dealing with variance and dilute being, while human artifacts do not.

我怕你那支笔不大管用了吧。让我来代你修理修理。修笔真是我的拿手好戏。I am afraid you do not like your pen. Let me mend it for you. I mend pens remarkably well.

捕鱼是圣乔治岛的拿手好戏,您可以选择任何一天搭乘租船前往水湾或海湾的水域。Fishing is St. George Island’s forté, and you can catch a charter into bay or gulf waters on any day.

我们每个人都有很多天赋或者技能。我的天赋或者说我的拿手好戏就是写作。We all have a set of skills and talents. One of my skills and something that comes easy to me is writing.

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女主人的拿手好戏法国乡村菜红酒鸡,最好看的时节在于浇上白兰地之后点起的火焰!Hostess's famous drop-dead-gorgeous Coq Au Vin, the best scene for me was of course the fire after cognac!

我早已做过下面这样的假设——我跟你说过,进行无端的假设是我的拿手好戏。I had already made the following assumptions – I told you I am a genius at making unwarranted assumptions.

这真是复杂的系统性问题,解决这类问题,恰恰是生物医学工程的拿手好戏That's really a complex systems problem, the kind of problems that engineers are very good at dealing with.

达西先生恬不知耻地夸口说,叫人家受罪是他的拿手好戏,这使她愈发深刻地体会到姐姐的痛苦。Mr. Darcy's shameful boast of what misery he had been able to inflict gave her a keener sense of her sister's sufferings.

一只名叫弗雷迪的杰克罗素梗令来到当地一家农场的游客们都感到兴奋不已,因为它会向人们展示自己的拿手好戏马术,而它的…Freddie the Jack Russell is thrilling visitors to a farm by showing off his horse riding skills on Daisy, a Shetland Pony.

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达西先生恬不知耻地夸口说,叫人家受罪是他的拿手好戏,这使她愈发深刻地体会到姐姐的痛苦。Mr. Darcy's shameful boast of what misery he had been able to inflict gave her a keener sense of her sister's sufferings.

只要你使出正确的招术、上演自己的拿手好戏,用不了多久,肯定会有人愿意尾随其后。You've got all the right moves so get out and strut your stuff and it won't be long before someone wants to tag along and enjoy your company.

而且,他采用了恰到好处的方法——杀手、错误指示、表演才能——这些在过去可是腐败政府和情报机关的拿手好戏。And he employed the very methods—hit men, misdirection, stagecraft—that, in the past, had been the province of corrupt states and intelligence outfits.