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常州今文经学的兴起,与之有一定的渊源关系。It is undeniable that he affected the rise of the Changzhou School.

由是刘歆抛弃了其今文旧说,转而宗主古文经学。Was abandoned by its Imafumi old Liu Xin said, instead the sovereign classical classics.

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相对于今文经学和经学义理学,其本质特征是经学义理学。In comparison with Jinwen Classics-Learning and Yili learning, its feature is Yili Clas- sics Learning.

关于清代今文经学复兴起因,学界颇有讨论。There is much argument about the reason of the revival of the New Text Scholarship in the Qing Dynasty.

晚清今文经学的嬗变是与晚清政治环境、社会变迁息息相关的。The transform of the Present Characters Confucianism is related with the politic conditions and social reform of Qing Dynasty.

他解释经文,引用了今文家说,亦据自己对史料的判断和推论对今文说作了改动。He adopts the viewpoint of Jing Wen scholars for explaining the XIBOKANLI, but modifies it by understanding other historical data.

今文经学对于近代文学的影响在戊戌变法前后表现得尤为突出。The influence of the Up-to-date Classic Writing Study on the Pre-modern Literature is greatly, but it is in Particular around the Wuxu Political Reform.

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譬如,在指导思想上,有些人坚持“今文经学”的史学观点,或摆脱不了“影射史学”的思路,喜欢先拿今天的眼光和需要立论,再到历史资料中去找根据,作出论证。They like to present their arguments from today's point of view and their needs, and then try their best to find the foundations in the history materials.

刘歆在西汉沿革已久的今文十四博士制度上揭橥异端,举起了古文经学的大纛。Liu Xin in the Western Han Dynasty History of the New Text 14 has long been enshrined in the system, Dr. heresy, and raised the banner of classical Chinese classics.

刘逢禄不仅是清代公羊今文经学的开创者,也是公羊思想的奠基者,更是春秋公羊学的复兴者。Liou Feng-Lu was not only the founder of the classics by writing with contemporary word in Ching dynasty, but also the man who made the thought of the Gueng-iang revive.

但他同时也对清代今文学者治学的偏见和该学派的某些弊病进行了淋漓尽致的抨击,从中反映出周予同真实的史家本色。However, he attacked the Jinwen scholar's subjective bias in studying history and this school's some evils deeply, which reflected Zhou Yutong's true historian qualities.

康有为接受今文经学是其早期文化思想内容的内在逻辑要求,同时也因为他看到了今文经学讲微言大义的妙用。The author proposes that the acceptance of New Text School was the inherent logical corollary of his early cultural thoughts, which also enables him to discover New Text School.

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东汉初年,适应社会的需要,以私人传授的古文经渐渐兴盛传播开来,并与官学的今文经发生了冲突。The Eastern Han dynasty, to adapt to the needs of society, by private teaching of classical Chinese by gradually spread prosperity, and with officials of the New Text school conflict.

许慎采用了以小篆为代表的古文字作为研究素材,但在思想方法上却与汉代流行的今文经学学派毫无二致。The writer used the lesser seal characters as his main study material, but his method of thinking is the same as that of the school of the study of Confucian Classics by modem script.

分析了包世臣对乾嘉考据学、今文经学的看法,以及包世臣与常州士人交往中的相互影响。They influenced his development. It also analyzed Bao Shicheng's viewpoints of textual criticism, the Jinmen study, as well as the influence of associating with the Changzhou gentleman person.