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美国工人的实际工资已经十年没涨过了。The real wages of working Americans have been stagnant for a decade.

实际工资的增长也会帮助增加消费。Rising levels of real wages should also help to increase consumption.

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这种资源的错位将会导致生产率和实际工资的降低。This misallocation of resources results in lower productivity and reduced real wages.

因为它们可以通过使名义工资上调的幅度低于通胀率来达到降低实际工资的目的。As they can so that the nominal wage increases below the inflation rate to achieve lower real wages.

事实上,实际工资大削减有助于解释为什么就业市场在萧条的经济中仍高歌猛进。Indeed, large cuts in real wages help explain why the jobs market has hummed along in an otherwise sluggish economy.

普通工人们在继续遭受高失业率及实际工资下降的困苦,而华尔街的收入已经反弹到以前水平。Wall Street pay has rebounded even as ordinary workers continue to suffer from high unemployment and falling real wages.

贫困农村地区实际工资的加速上涨,甚至农闲时期也是如此,表明剩余劳动力的时代已经结束。The acceleration of real wage rate even in slack seasons in a poor region indicates that the era of surplus labor is over.

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资本有机构成和剩余价值率与实际工资、技术进步和非经济因素等高度相关。Organic composition of capital and surplus value rate are closely related to real wage, technical changes, non-economic fa.

拿出一张空白的纸,你昨天准备好的"时间预算"以及你早先算好的你每小时的实际工资.Take out a blank sheet of paper, the “time budget” you prepared yesterday, and the approximate hourly wage you calculated earlier.

工资指数化使实际工资不能很快地根据贸易条件的变化得到调整,并且使通货膨胀更加难以压低。Wage indexation has slowed the adjustment of real wages to changes in the terms of trade and has made it harder to reduce inflation.

他指出,股市继续强劲、实际工资增长,能源成本降低和消费者信心坚实都说明,从总体上看,美国的经济是健康的。He cited a continued strong stock market, growth in real wages, lower energy costs and solid consumer confidence as evidence of a generally healthy U.S. economy.

这些富裕阶层不但能得到比普通员工更多的实际工资,而且也因为有权使用企业积累的大量现金而获得更多的利益。The well-off not only have much higher take-home pay than the rank-and-file but also tend to be the ones who have access to the benefits of hoarded corporate cash.

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显而易见,劳务费用差异的产生是由于实际工时不等于标准工时,而实际工资率也不等于标准工资率所致。It is clear that labour cost variance arises due to the actual hours differing from the standard hours and the actual wage rate differing from the standard wage rate.

尽管美国和欧洲的消费者价格较高,工资增长仍然是减弱的,实际工资甚至在下降,这防止了通胀的加强。Despite higher consumer prices in America and the euro area, wage growth has remained subdued and real wages have fallen, which has prevented inflation from becoming entrenched.

而事实上,商品价格的下降是市场经济的一个非常正常的情形,因为在经济增长的过程中,商品供给增长,超过了货币供给,价格下滑并使实际工资上升。In reality, deflation of prices is a normal aspect of the market economy as the production of goods outstrips the production of money resulting in higher real wages in a growing economy.

首先,本文以生产函数理论为基础,在固定规模报酬和固定实际工资率的假定下,给出了技术进步偏向的测定方法。First, on the basis of production function theory and under CRW hypothesis and CRTS hypothesis, this paper puts forward the method of measuring technical progress bias of Chinese industry.

他们发现,19世纪的资本流动往往追随着大规模的跨大西洋移民潮,这减轻了接收国实际工资和就业水平的下行压力。They found that 19th century capital flows tended to follow the great cross-Atlantic migrations and this mitigated downward pressure on real wages and employment in the recipient countries.

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目前的趋势大体上符合以往危机的经验,即大量劳动力流向生产率较低的活动会降低整体实际工资水平。Current trends are mostly consistent with lessons from past crises when extraordinarily high levels of labor reallocation to lower productivity activities have driven down aggregate real wages.

巴特拉指出,在美国,一面是商品供应因生产力提高而不断增加,一面是追溯到里根总统时期以来实际工资受到压缩,两者之间一直存在着严重不匹配的现象。Batra says that in the US there has been a profound mismatch between the increased supply of goods from improved productivity and the squeeze on real wages dating back to Ronald Reagan's presidency.

俄罗斯在目前的“大衰退”中虽然遭受了巨大的产出、就业和实际工资损失,但仍低于危机初期所担心的程度,一个原因是采取了大规模的反危机政策措施。Russia's output, employment, and real wage losses during the current ‘Great Recession,’ while sizable, were lower than feared early in the crisis--in part due to the large anti-crisis policy response.