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他的病本来就不像是痨病。It is not consumption at all , it seems.

不用再怕脑溢血了,痨病却还存在。Apoplexy is no longer to be feared, but phthisis is there.

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消耗病,痨病肺部或喉咙的任何一种病变,如哮喘或咳嗽。Any illness of the lungs or throat , such as asthma or a cough.

我的继外祖母身体矮而黑瘦,有严重的痨病。My step-grandmother was thin and black in short height with serious tuberculosis.

这个有着“痨病”之称的健康杀手,似乎一直没有停止对人类的侵害。This has a "TB" called health killer, it seems that has not stopped the abuse of human.

消耗病,痨病以身体或身体的一部分萎缩或消蚀为特点的一种…A disease characterized by the wasting away or atrophy of the body or a part of the body.

她知道他有痨病,他脸上时常上火,腰身比别人瘦小得多。She knew he was consumptive, his cheeks were so red and he was so uncommon thin in the waist.

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让她安慰的是,尽管她的小儿子天生就有痨病,还是平安的成年了。To make her comfortable, her little son has come of age safely though he got a chronic inherently.

过了两年,听说她已生了痨病,吸上鸦片烟了。After a couple of years, we heard that she had developed consumption, and had also become addicted to opium.

象存在于西班牙和西躲那样的僧侣制度,对文化来说,那是一种痨病。Monasticism, such as it existed in Spain, and such as it still exists in Thibet, is a sort of phthisis for civilization.

肺结核,或“痨病”,是一种人们普遍认识的疾病,它作为城市贫民的地方病在19世纪以及20世纪早期得到了众人的最广泛关注。Tuberculosis, or “consumption” as it was commonly known, caused the most widespread public concern in the 19th and early 20th centuries as an endemic disease of the urban poor.