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红鱼粉含量对特定生长率影响显著。The RFM content affects SGR significantly.

鱼粉,50公斤麻袋装,以毛作净。Fish meal in gunny bags of 50kg , gross for net.

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大部分鱼粉由粉碎的凤尾鱼、鲱鱼或沙丁鱼制成。Most of this meal is made of ground-up anchovies, menhaden or sardines.

大部分鱼粉由粉碎的凤尾鱼、鲱鱼或沙丁鱼制成。Most of this meal is made of ground-up anchovies , menhaden or sardines.

我们贸易的鱼和鱼制品,熏,冷冻,腌制,也鱼粉。We trade with fish and fish products , smoked , frozen, marinated , also fish meal.

对鱼粉中的组氨酸、对肉骨粉中的苏氨酸利用率最低。Histidine was lowest for fish meal while threonine was lowest for meat and bone meal.

增加养殖鲑鱼一千克的重量需要至少三千克鱼粉。It takes up to three kilos of fish meal to add one kilo to the weight of a farmed salmon.

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每个舱的鱼粉全部卸完后要把舱底的油纸卷起来。Wind up the polythene papers on the bottom after all fish meal is discharged in each hold.

挪威在大豆压榨及鱼粉、鱼油生产方面仍占据着重要地位。Norway continues to be a significant crusher of soybeans and producer of fishmeal and fish oils.

本机适用于羽毛粉、鱼粉、血粉、肉骨粉、餐厨垃圾等高湿、高粘度物料烘干。The machine applies to the drying of the high-humidity and high-viscosity materials, such as feather meal.

环保人士担心,全球需求上升,海鲜和鱼粉将放在小鱼的压力。Environmentalists worry that rising global demand for seafood and fish meal will put pressure on small fish.

对2种双齿围沙蚕和国产鱼粉进行了营养组成分析。The analyses of nutritional compositions of 2 kinds of Perineries aibuhitensis and homemade fish meal were made.

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结论添加鱼粉的幼虫饲料有利于丝光绿蝇的生长发育。Conclusion It has been suggest that the modified larval diet could favour the growth and development of the blowfly.

目的是在寻求廉价原料、降低乳酸生产成本的同时实现鱼粉废水资源化。The aim was to find out cheaper raw material for lactic acid production as well as to treat the fishmeal wastewater.

多项试验证明,高蛋白料精可替代等量鱼粉,广泛用于饲料业。These experiments proved that the high protein concentrate instead of fish meal can widely be used in feed industry.

本试验以液体、固体发酵饲料酵母作为对虾饲料的主要蛋白源,替代进口鱼粉,饲喂初长为5。With liquid-fernented and solid-fernented forage yeast as main protein supply instead of imported fish meal, to breed 5.

近来,秘鲁鱼粉在远洋运输过程中屡次发生自然事故。Recently, there have been a substantial number of cases of self-heating of Peruvian fishmeal during oceangoing transport.

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总的看来,鱼粉组的蛋白酶、淀粉酶活性均高于黄豆饼组。In conclusion, the activities of protease and amylase in the fish meal group are higher than those in the soybean meal group.

研究实验室条件下电解法对模拟鱼粉废水处理的可行性。This paper introduced an application to treatment fish meal wastewater by dynamic electrolysis under the laboratory condition.

将小洋葱和大蒜放入无油的锅里干煸,加入胡萝卜和白酒,然后加入鱼粉和柠檬汁。Take the Shallots and garlic and sweat in pan without oil, add carrots and white wine then add the fish powder and lemon juice.