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内海畔,一片空旷区域里的露营者。Campers at inland sea in empty quarter.

别墅位于冈山省濑户内海附近。The house positions itself in Okayama Prefecture near Seto Inland Sea.

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向东的通航分道已经关闭,请使用内海航道。East bound traffic lane has been discontinued please use inshore route.

高松日本四国岛东北部一城市,位于濑户内海沿岸,是一个重要的海港。A city of northeast Shikoku, Japan, on the Inland sea . It is a major sea port.

日本九州岛北端一城市,位于连接濑户内海和朝鲜海峡的海峡边。A city of northern Kyushu, Japan, on the channel connecting the Inland Sea with the Korea Strait.

高松日本四国岛东北部一城市,位于濑户内海沿岸,是一个重要的海港。A city of northeast Shikoku, Japan, on the Inland Sea. It is a major seaport. Population, 327,001.

在基线以内的水域,包括渤海湾、琼州海峡在内,都是中国的内海。The waters inside the base lines, including Bohai Bay and Giongzhou Strait, are China's inland sea.

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高松日本四国岛东北部一城市,位于濑户内海沿岸,是一个重要的海港。人口327,001。A city of northeast Shikoku, Japan, on the Inland Sea. It is a major seaport . Population, 327, 001.

设计一条长轴线,并利用与内海的水域打造水域网,形成滨水空间。Design a long axis, and the use of the waters and inland waters to create net to form a waterfront space.

经由内海的地缘网络,盐水港街和麻豆街又先后发展出迎王庆典。According to the geo-network of lagoon, Yanshuigang and Madou, the Wanye ceremony took place successively.

严岛位于濑户内海,自古以来一直是神道教的圣地。The island of Itsukushima, in the Seto inland sea, has been a holy place of Shintoism since the earliest times.

沼泽地带的排水,地下蓄水层和内海已被填至洋面高度。The draining of wetlands, underground aquifers and inland seas has added significantly to the level of the oceans.

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六个内接的海洋覆盖剩馀的表面以及一个大到足以被称为内海的封闭水域。Six interconnected oceans cover the rest of the moon along with one landlocked body large enough to be called a sea.

淡路岛是日本内海最大的岛屿,位于东京西南方600公里,与大阪府的神户湾相对。Awaji is the largest island of the inland sea, set 600km to the south-west of Tokyo opposite Kobe in the bay of Osaka.

她梦见自己一路到了大阪,在那里坐上一只帆船,悠悠然地穿过内海,朝西南方驶去。She thought she had gone down to Osaka, and there got on a junk and sailed far away to the southwest, through the Inland Sea.

日本内海有许多岛屿被设计成建筑学上的小城。There are many islands in the many islands in the inland sea of japan that are architectonicaly designed into a small cities.

渤海为中国的内海,黄海、东海和南海是太平洋的边缘海。The Bohai Sea is China's continental sea, while the Yellow, East China and South China seas are marginal seas of the Pacific Ocean.

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但地震、海底崩塌和爆炸能在世界上所有的海洋、内海和巨大的水库内产生海啸。But earthquakes, undersea landslides and explosions can generate tsunamis in all of the world’s oceans, inland seas and large bodies of water.

日本本州西南一城市,位于濑户内海的一个海湾上、广岛东南。它是一海军基地和重要港口。人口22',489。A city of southwest Honshu, Japan, on an arm of the Inland Sea southeast of Hiroshima. It is a naval base and major port. Population, 22', 489.

日本本州岛西部的一个城市,位于神户西面,濑户内海的港湾。它是一个工业中心和铁路枢纽。人口572,423。A city of western Honshu, Japan, on an inlet of the Inland Sea west of Kobe. It is an industrial center and a railroad hub. Population, 572,423.