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克罗先生,我买农庄。Mr. Craw, I buy a farm.

音乐农庄民歌餐厅?。Music Farm Country Kitcher?

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和外婆一起在农庄摘草莓。Picking Dewberries at the Farm!

我们在一个集体农庄里工作。We are working in a collective farm.

我们另找时间访问那所集体农庄。We'll visit the collective farm another time.

那就是我们称我们住的地方为孤柳农庄的原因。That's why we've called our place Lone Willow Farm.

他的农庄主人是来自首都比勒陀利亚的白人。The owner of his farm is a white man from Pretoria.

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我们的农庄名叫Näs,直到现在还是这个名字。The farm where we lived was called Näs. It still is.

在农庄,母鸡下蛋却孵不出小鸡。On the farms the hens brooded , but no chicks hatched.

他因为拒绝加入集体农庄而被捕入狱。He was arrested, for refusal to join the collective farm.

地点是大埔大尾督香港环保农庄。The venue was the Environmental Protection Farm in Taipo.

在这些农庄,普遍地以骡代马。Mules are universally substituted for horses on the farms.

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噢,我想住在一个农庄的农场里,但是我做不到。Oh, I’d love to live in the country on a farm but I can’t.

在2007年的时候,我们学校就带我们去“长鹿农庄”旅游。In 2007, our school took us to the "long deer farms" tours.

野猫农庄邀请学校团体到农场帮忙。The Alleycats invite school groups to the farm to help out.

该农庄位于奥斯陆以北140公里处,是布雷维克租来的。The farm is located 140 km north of Oslo, is Brevik rented.

阿纳金带着母亲的尸体回到拉尔斯的农庄。Anakin returned to the Lars Homestead with his mother's body.

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农庄是要用马,但是到我手里的时候并不多啊。They are wanted in the farm much oftener than I can get them.

都市农庄是工农、乡融合过程中都市农业发展的一种实体形态。Urban farm is a type of city agriculture entity in the course.

他们父子在一个农庄最贫穷的人家里住了一天一宿。They spent a day and a night in the farm of a very poor family.