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画两个大翅膀。Draw two big wings.

擦抹我的翅膀。Shall brush my wing.

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让我看看你的翅膀。Let me see your wing.

她有两个大翅膀。She had two big wings.

让我们乘着风的翅膀翱翔!Let's soar on the wind!

搭乘着野鹅的翅膀。Upon a wild goose wing.

鸟将翅膀收起。The bird folded its wings.

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小鸟抿着翅膀。The bird tucked its wings.

这只鹰整理它的翅膀。The eagle plumed its wing.

鹰整理它翅膀上的羽毛。The eagle plumed its wing.

我的翅膀有点痛。My wing does hurt a little.

我喜欢吃鸡翅膀。I like to eat chicken wings.

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一只翅膀受伤的云雀。Skylark wounded in the wing.

那只鸟拍着翅膀慢慢地飞走了。The bird flapped slowly off.

那鸟抖动着翅膀。The bird quivered its wings.

这些披肩是他们的翅膀。These capes are their wings.

我相信花有翅膀。I believe flowers have wings.

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生命就像折断翅膀的鸟儿。Life is a broken-winged bird.

飞翔的野雁翅膀上有月亮。With the moon on their wings.

一只翅膀受伤的云雀。A Skylark wounded in the wing.