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这个女人是她的心腹,给斯丹恩买通了的。Woman , woman , thou are accountable for this.

这是一种经济民族主义,稍有不慎即成心腹大患。This is economic nationalism, but of an insidious type.

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这位美丽的希腊模特已经上过很多杂志的封面,当然,她也是斯托贾科维奇的心腹。She is also featured on the cover of Peja Stojakovic's heart.

他们是幸存者,是你,最忠实的心腹。They were the survivors, they were your most loyal inner circle.

我亲眼看见他的心腹在田园里用橡皮管痛打女工。I've seen his henchmen beat women in the fields with rubber hoses.

布莱顿是女王的心腹,一个被派去杀白雪公主的人。Brighton is the Queen's henchman, who she sends to kill Snow White.

而且,这个消息还说普京也没有那么多的心腹。In addition, Putin doesn't have that many confidants, the source says.

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鞭伤除净人的罪恶。责打能入人的心腹。Blows and wounds cleanse away evil, and beatings purge the inmost being.

贾巴命令两个勾心斗角的心腹去捉拿逃跑的偷渡者。Jabba tasked his two competing henchmen to capture the elusive stowaway.

因为她是赫米亚的心腹密友,他俩把计划告诉了她。Since she was Hermia's bosom friend, the two of them told her their plot.

而他手下冥顽不化而未受惩罚的心腹亲信仍有很多还活着。and some of his unrepentant and unpunished henchmen still remain at large.

谁知此后丁竦性情大变而成为人君的心腹大患。Who knows, after Ding temperament changed and become the ruler a mortal malady.

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随着形势的发展,越南将成为中国的心腹大患。With the development of this issue, Vietnam will rise to be China's major concern.

民主,被南方蓄奴派视为,心腹大患Democracy, the slaveholding class of the South came to see small d--as a dangerous thing.

此后莫雷尔开始对希特勒实施一系列的治疗,并很快成为希特勒的心腹人物。Morell started him on a course of treatment and was soon drawn into Hitler's inner circle.

奥马尔·苏莱曼是一名前情报部门负责人,也是穆巴拉克最亲密的心腹之一。Omar Suleiman, a former intelligence chief, Mubarak is one of the most intimate confidant.

马戎大喜,认为真正可以将这些心腹大患铲除的时机到了。W. connor exultation, think that really can be a great evil these heart time to eradicate.

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这个政府充斥了彼得的心腹和同党,吃吃喝喝,不务正业,诸如此类的事宜It has personnel who are his buddies, those in favour, lots of eating, drinking, et cetera.

浑河断裂带位于辽宁省东北部,该区是辽宁的心腹地带。The fault belt area of Hunhe River is situated in the northeastern part of Liaoning Praince.

相比政权稳定和能源输出,恐怖主义仍然是沙特的心腹大患。Terrorism remains a serious concern in Saudi Arabia, but not to regime stability or energy output.