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我的指甲呢?What about my nails?

修出完美的指甲。Fake a perfect manicure.

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那干嘛剪指甲呢?Why cut my finger nails?

我又要开始咬指甲了。Let the nail biting begin.

指甲长进肉里了。The nail grows into flesh.

您要修脚指甲吗?。Would you like a pedicure?

你的指甲应该干干净净的。Your nails should be clean.

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而且为什么只是小指头的指甲?And why just the pinky nail?

他已修剪过指甲。He has trimmed up his nails.

他的指甲简直太可爱了。His fingernails are so cute.

指甲每月会长3毫米。Nails grow at 3mm per month.

指甲每个月会长3毫米。Nails grow at 3mm per month.

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指甲每个月会长3毫米。Nails grow at 3 mm per month.

她留着长长的涂红的指甲。She had long red fingernails.

您还要修一下指甲吗?And would you like a manicure?

先生,要剪指甲吗?Sir, would you like a manicure?

他也从来都不剪指甲和胡子。He never cuts his nails or beard.

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她已剪短了指甲。She has clipped her finger-nails.

修剪死皮对指甲有害么?Is cutting cuticles bad for nails?

他剪指甲剪了指甲下的肉。He cut the fingernail to the quick.