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妈妈在衣橱里放上香樟做成的木球。Mother put camphor balls in the wardrobe.

香樟华苹的特色理疗,主要通过水疗法来放松您的心情。Kayumanis signature treatment is a water flow technique which relaxing your mind.

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傍晚我走在香樟路上,拂过的微风与摇曳的树叶都在歌唱。At dusk, I walked on the ginkgo road, the gentle breeze and swaying branches were singing to me.

直视静谧洒落的阳光。俯瞰楼下那一棵棵碧翠涌流的香樟。Staring at the tranquil sunshine scattering down. Overlooking the flowing emerald green of the camphors.

现在大家家里都有的樟脑丸就是香樟树根、茎、枝、叶蒸馏而成的。Now everyone at home is to have a camphor ball camphor roots, stems, branches, leaves made of distillation.

香樟首尾相连地覆盖了城市所有的苍穹。阴影里有迟来十年的告白。Camphor tree in a line covering the welkin of the city, amount them a love profession ten years late existed.

秋天树叶儿也枯黄了,但青松、翠柏、香樟的叶子却是那么的绿,直逼你的眼。Autumn leaves flutter past also withered and yellow, but the pine, cypress, camphor leaves are so green, as your eyes.

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为香樟在豫中北部城市的引种提供依据。The aim of the research was to provide basis for the introduction of Cinnamonum camphora L. in middle and northern cities.

香樟与香樟的故事,什么样?在一抬头一低头的罅隙里有人低声说了话。What about the stories between aromatic camphors ? Someone whispered in the split second of raising and lowering his head.

分别驻马店市区和郊外栽植香樟,比较香樟的生长情况,观察香樟的耐寒性。C. camphora was planted in urban areas and suburb respectively to compare the growth status of C. camphora and observe its cold tolerance.

我们会一直回味在香樟华萍的时光,我们会珍藏住在那儿令人难以致信的周末给我们留下的温暖记忆。Our time at Kayumanis will be always be cherished by us and we will treasure the warmest memories of the incredible weekend we spent there.

在奄奄一息中,小香樟发现那令自己为之销魂,并激发了它所有努力的香气,原来发自它自己的肚脐。While breathing its last, the deer found that the scent that had ravished its heart and inspired all these efforts came from its own navel.

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其中海桐抗镉污染胁迫的能力优于女贞、银杏、香樟和鹅掌揪。The cadmium tolerance of Pittosporum tobira better than those of Ligustrum lucidum, Ginkgo biloba, Liriodendron chinense, Cinnamomum camphora.

我要对全体工作人员说谢谢你们,为了那难以置信的奢华的待遇和我们在南京香樟华萍受到的热情专注的欢迎和入住安排。We would like to say a big thank you to the entire staff for the incredibly lavish treatment and warm, personal welcome we received at Kayumanis Nanjing and for arranging our stay.

结合各碳源脱氮率、耗碳源量以及处理成本,选取基本处理的香樟叶作为最佳纤维素碳源。Therefore, according to the nitrogen removal rate, consumption of carbon sources and treatment cost, cinnamomum camphor leaf is considered as the best denitrification carbon source in local region.