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在此例举临证医案四则以佐证。Four proven cases were presented for examples.

利用MFC编写一个简单的四则运算器。Using MFC to write a simple arithmetic device.

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今天,已经撰写了四则“心情随笔”,心情很好。Today, has written four "mood Essay, " a good mood.

基于这本书,以下给出四则贴士,教你如何改掉坏习惯。Here are four tips to stop bad habits based on the book

学会根据算式特点。应用运算定律,用简便方法计算四则混合运算式题。Learn to use the properties for calculating the arithmetics in a simple way.

假设站在北半球中纬度看,天津四则很恰巧位于头顶正上方。As seen from mid-northern latitudes, the star Deneb hangs pretty much overhead at nightfall.

并例举其治疗急性腰扭伤、癔病、荨麻疹、面肌痉挛病例四则。Moreover, four cases of acute lumbar sprain, hysteria, urticaria and facial spasm were introduced.

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医二的讨论内容主要是与医学人文有关的题目,医三至医四则配合以传统方式授课的解剖、病理、药理等课程。The topics in the third and fourth year concern basic medical sciences such as anatomy, pathology and pharmacology.

介绍临床应用针刺放血疗法的部位、方法及机理,并列举其治疗头痛、口僻、舌痹、高血压等病例四则。This paper presents the area, methods and mechanism of blood letting therapy and listed four cases of headache, wry mouth, tongue paralysis and hypertension.

如果你是在北美洲,那么今晚你就能看到这全部的四颗卫星,木卫三、木卫二和木卫一在木星的一边,二木卫四则在木星的另一边。If you live in North America, you can see all 4 Galilean moons this evening. Ganymede, Europa and Io are on one side of Jupiter, while Callisto is on the other side.