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矮子是惊悸的。The dwarfs were horrified.

我肯定会除掉那个矮子!I sure got rid of that runt!

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一个是巨人,而另一个却是矮子。One is a giant, the other a dwarf.

伊丽莎白有十一矮子在她的榆木树。Elizabeth has eleven elves in her elm tree.

我是言语的巨人,行动的矮子。I am a giant of speech and manikin of behavior.

他四下看了看,认出了矮子加菲尔德。He looked around and spotted Garfield the Dwarf.

嗨,小矮子,今天早上又没喝牛奶对吗?Hey shortie , did not have your milk this morning?

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矮子上楼梯,步步登高。A dwarf going upstairs getting higher step by step.

桑姆看着杰克,“你怎么想呢,小矮子?”Slim looked at Jack. "And what do you want, Shorty ?"

我的社会地位将永远被标着一个“矮子”的记号吗?Will my sociall status borever be marked by my shortness?

我爱你,因为只要我能记住,矮子。I have loved you since as long as I can remember, Shortie.

我会为你砍一些柴火,奥利夫!-为什么,那个一点也不好的矮子!I'll chop some wood for ya, Olive! -Why, that no-good runt!

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怎么啦,矮子?嗨,甜妹儿!你喜欢奔驰?噢!What's up, shortie ? -Hi, sweetie! -You like the Benz? -Ohh!

在倡导“绿色”和环境保护的欧洲,英国人一定没有想到自己的国家在环保方面却是一个“矮子”。Britain has one of the worst environmental records in Europe.

语言的巨人总是行动的矮子。要行动,不要空言。The greatest talkers are always least doers. Deeds, not words.

矮子打傻大个儿的光不用凳子。意指人的能力大小不决定于个子大小。A short man needs no stool to give a great lubber a box on the ear.

他抬头向上一望,看到矮子正在吊床里喷云吐雾。He looked upwards, and saw that the dwarf was smoking in his hammock.

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与这个巨大的恶魔相比,刚才攻击他们的山羊怪就是矮子。The demon was a giant, easily dwarfing the goat creatures assailing them.

千万不要像屠格涅夫笔下的罗亭那样,成为语言的巨人、行动的矮子!Don't like Turgenev's Luoting, become the language of the giant, dwarf of action!

矮子用手张起他那大边的耳朵,装出密切注意的样子。The dwarf put his hand to his great flapped ear, and counterfeited the closest attention.