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逼近音障!Approaching the sound barrier!

又一队喷气机雷鸣般地突破了音障。Another flight of jets exploded through sound.

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在时速大约759英里时,汽车将穿过音障。At about 750mph the car will go through the sound barrier.

第一个突破音障的人是伊格尔。The first man to break the sound barrier was Charles Elwood "Chuck" Yeager.

1947年10月14日,耶格尔打破这架飞机上的音障,绰号“迷人的格莱尼斯”。On October 14, 1947, Yeager broke the sound barrier in this plane, nicknamed "Glamorous Glennis."

查克·耶格尔就是在这里突破音障的,第一艘航天飞机也是在这里建造和降落的。Chuck Yeager broke the sound barrier right here and the first space shuttles were built and landed here.

在降落的过程中,他还可能冲过音障并打破一些封尘将近50年的纪录。Along the way, he can accomplish other firsts, by breaking the sound barrier and records that have stood for nearly 50 years.

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无论如何,眼前最迫切的,也是所有科学家都关心的问题,是人类能不能成功突破音障。However, the main question that is being asked today by all scientists is, can a man survive when crossing the sound barrier?

在降落的过程中,他还可能冲过音障并打破一些封尘将近50年的纪录。Along the way, he can accomplish other firsts , by breaking the sound barrier and records that have stood for nearly 50 years.

他和卡门建立了一种用来帮忙解决飞机突破音障时碰到的气动热难题的理论4。He and Carmen has established a method used to help solve the aircraft breaking the sound barrier aerodynamic thermal problems encountered in the theory 4.

一位美国海军摄影师敏捷地捕捉到了战斗机在突破音障时,产生“音爆云”的图片。U. S. Navy photographer with lightning-fast reflexes captured this image of a fighter plane blasting through a "sonic boom cloud" as the jet broke the sound barrier.

1997年在内华达州黑岩沙漠,他驾驶“推进”号超音速车成为突破汽车音障的第一人,并创下目前时速763英里的地面速度记录。In 1997 at Black Rock Desert, Nevada, he drove Thrust SSC to become the first person to break the sound barrier in a car and set the existing land-speed record of 763mph.

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1947年,查克·耶格尔用火箭动力的X-1第一次突破了音障,让我们吃惊的是,仅仅23年后,我们在休闲旅行中已经可以享受超音速飞行。Chuck Yeager first broke the sound barrier in his rocket-powered X-1 in 1947, so it's staggering to think that just 23 years later, we stood poised to take our leisure travel supersonic as well.