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说的时候,信誓旦旦,感天动地。In saying that, promises, a sense of days vividly.

她信誓旦旦地说一定要把此事告到法庭。She vowed that she would take the matter to court.

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我上网加入了一个戒烟论坛,结果我得到了回报,因为我信誓旦旦的承诺了,很多人在看着我呢,我没有退路,我也没有留给自己轻易放弃的机会。I went online and joined a quit forum. I had rewards.

许多健康专家信誓旦旦称麦草是一种神奇的食物。Many health mavens swear by wheatgrass as a super food.

袁世凯曾经信誓旦旦,说要坚持共和原则。Yuan Shih-Kai once promised to uphold Republican principles.

每每信誓旦旦要减肥,却总是草草了事。Often vowed to lose weight, but it always has been too hasty.

因此,倘若有人信誓旦旦地对一定幅度的增长打包票时,让他走开好了。So if someone promises a certain amount of growth, walk away.

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丞相信誓旦旦说自己没有篡夺汉室之意。Though you have solemnly vowed yourself loyal to His Majesty's Court.

马学武信誓旦旦要在孩子出生前解决房子问题。Wu Maxue vowed to solve the problems in the house before the birth of children.

他信誓旦旦地保证,他将永远忠贞不渝。He pledged in all sincerity and seriousness that he would always remain faithful.

尼特先生信誓旦旦地告诉麦格,他是专门为她而来的。麦格听了真是受宠若惊。Meg was much flattered by Mr. Ned's assurances that he came especially to see her.

上月末开始就是吃大闸蟹的季节了,一些中国人仍然信誓旦旦。The hairy crab season opened late last month and some Chinese still swear by them.

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当时的她只有28岁,刚刚结婚才两年,婚礼上信誓旦旦的誓言“永不分离”还在耳边回响。She was 28, married just two years, and had long vowed, “I will never be divorced.”

他从不居功自傲,也不会信誓旦旦,而是认真地的对待每一球。He never tanked , never ducked a commitment and struck every ball with serious intent.

歌迷们熟记她的歌词,将自己扮成“小步”翻版,信誓旦旦地说小步改变了他们的一生。Fans memorize her lyrics? transform into Ayu clones and swear she' s changed their lives.

她是个没有主见的人,于是把大权交给了我,并信誓旦旦地说不会后悔。She is not strong-minded people, they had power over to me, and vowed that I'm not sorry.

本月新开盘项目寥寥无几,只有几个老楼盘信誓旦旦,欲与天公试比“热”!Few items on the new price, only a few old properties pledged to try to God than the "hot"!

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八年过去了,这个女人期盼着奥巴马总统关闭关塔那摩的监狱并释放她丈夫,虽然奥巴马上台的时候信誓旦旦要在今年1月22日之前关闭监狱,但如今看来这又是空头支票了。Eight years later, she is waiting for President Obama to close the prison and return her husband.

你可以用你的摄像头或者摄像机拍一段视频,在其中信誓旦旦地表达你爱他/她。You can use your web cam or get a video camera to make a video pledging your love for him or her.

然而,女孩现在告诉我,这个信誓旦旦的男孩在写完这封电邮之后两个月就已经爱上另一个女孩子了。However, the girl tells me that the boy who takes an oath falls for another girl after two months.