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与此同时,同时乌有之乡则整装待发。Utopia, meanwhile, has gone on the warpath.

“队伍正整装待发,”莱恩巴克先生说。“The team is ready to go, ” Mr. Leinbach said.

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男人只要花10分钟就能洗完澡,整装待发。You can be showered and ready to go in 10 minutes.

苹果公司的产品已整装待发,准备迎战。Apple's products are shrink-wrapped and ready to go.

苹果的产品已经整装待发,准备杀向战场。Apple’s products are shrink-wrapped and ready to go.

现在,巴勒斯坦科学界正在向发达国家整装待发。The Palestinians are equipped to become a developed country.

沙发后面的牛主和牛犊为出场比赛而整装待发。Beyond the couch, cattle owners prepare a calf for the show ring.

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转基因稻米似乎已经整装待发,引领着勇敢的中国转基因新世界。GM rice seemed primed to usher in China's brave new transgenic world.

转基因稻米似乎已经整装待发,引领着勇敢的中国转基因新世界。GM rice seemed primed to usher in China’s brave new transgenic world.

加州已整装待发迎接下一轮经济繁荣,这着实令人叹服。It's California. The next economy is already in place there, and it's amazing.

我对逃避不了的事情总是泰然处之,就好象我总在向女儿发出我整装待发的信号。It is almost as if I send out a signal to her that I am ready for the challenge.

一八四六年墨西哥战争期间,德克萨斯州一队美军整装待发。During the Mexican War of 1846, an American column was about to begin its march from Texas.

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德约科维奇在由于背伤停赛长达6周后,于本周整装待发重回巴塞尔。Djokovic is returning to action this week in Basel following a six-week back injury lay off.

哈格终于将他的伤病抛诸脑后,整装待发。OWEN Hargreaves is finally ready to put his Manchester United injury frustration behind him.

然而往往在形势所迫之时,大多数的人还是可以做到的,整装待发,做出一些你愿意看到的改变。With extreme situations set aside, most people can. Step up and be the change you want to see.

我负责破译其他几扇门的位置。你负责在我完成之前组织大地精整装待发。I decode the rest of the gate locations. You get the hobgoblins ready to move the moment I'm done.

投资者已经整装待发,他们认为小型飞机将会很有市场前景。Already, investors are gearing up for what they believe will be a lucrative market in small planes.

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四十九天后,收到了陆军部的要求,一个完整的吉普车整装待发。Forty-nine days after it received a request from the War Department, a complete jeep was ready to go.

我们今晚在这里相聚的时候,我们的男女军人们坚守在海外,还有更多的人正整装待发。As we meet here tonight, our men and women in uniform stand watch abroad and more are readying to deploy.

整装待发的新兵们个个精神抖擞,对即将开始的军旅生涯充满信心。The new soldiers in uniform are all in high spirits, with full confidence of their future military career.