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然后,部署该文件。Next, deploy the file.

部署启动材料。Deploy enablement materials.

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对部署的客户机进行个性化定制Personalizing deployed clients

随后您将构造和部署它。You will then build and deploy it.

启动服务器和部署模块。Start server and deploy the module.

要创建预部署程序,请执行以下步骤To create the predeployment program

我们还有一个客户部署。We also have a customer deployment.

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希望执行多租用者部署。To enforce multi-tenant deployments.

下载完整的部署包.Download the complete deployment kit.

当然,部署必须是安全的。Of course, deployment must be secured.

若要测试代码,则必须进行部署。You have to deploy, to test your code.

一组被部署的服务即为一个系统。A set of deployed services is a system.

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拿破仑部署他的军队以便作战。Napoleon arrayed his troops for battle.

负载均衡设备后部署了服务器吗?Are there servers behind load balancers?

部署和用户接受度测试计划Deployment and user acceptance test plan

我所说的连续部署是什么意思?What do I mean by continuous deployment?

我如何将哲基尔部署到子目录?。How do I deploy Jekyll to a subdirectory?

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美国发现苏联把核导弹部署于古巴。US spots Soviet nuclear missiles in Cuba.

更新基于映像部署的客户机。Updating image-based provisioned clients.

现在,我们可以部署我们的中介了。We are now ready to deploy our mediation.