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他们目无法纪。They trampled law and order under foot.

这将使每个目无法纪之徒都对法律充满恐惧。That should put the fear of the law in any wayward person.

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据说,柏拉图曾抱怨年轻人既“不尊重长辈”,又“目无法纪”。Plato was said to have complained that young people "disrespect their elders" and "ignore the law".

世界将被毁灭,而人类的堕落,目无法纪,暴力成性,势必会带来这种毁灭。The world dissolves. So corruption and injustice and lawlessness and violence inevitably bring about destruction.

我们到thefreedictionary.com网站查了查,第一个定义是“目无法纪、欺诈成性且靠不住的人”。We checked at and found the first definition as "an unprincipled, deceitful, and unreliable person."

投资者对阿尔及利亚国内目无法纪和企业排斥社会主义法律的混杂现象长期惊恐不安,现在已大规模地返回国内。Investors, long spooked by Algeria's toxic mix of lawlessness and business-repellent socialist laws, have returned in force.

投资者对阿尔及利亚国内目无法纪和企业排斥社会主义法律的混杂现象长期惊恐不安,现在已大规模地返回国内。Investors, long spooked by Algeria’s toxic mix of lawlessness and business-repellent socialist laws, have returned in force.

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有一些人,他们从此放心大胆的为所欲为,目无法纪,肆无忌惮地满足自己的私欲,杀人放火无所不为。One is that people do baldly everything as they want despite of laws to meet all their private demands, such as killing and robbing.

苏格拉底对我们民主最感困扰的是,不稳定性,倾向于失序两端,拉扯的特性,即介于目无法纪与专制之间。What bothers Socrates most about our democracy is a certain kind of instability, its tendency to be pulled between extremes of anarchy, between lawlessness and tyranny.

曾经有过规模小的政府使人们的有进取和发展的案例,却也有小政府导致目无法纪,堕落腐败,对政府不信任的案例。There have been cases when small government was accompanied by enterprise and development, and cases when small government has led to lawlessness, corruption and distrust.

这个隐喻为各级政府官员,从最下层到最上层,目无法纪地掌握集体财富,以及残忍地操控老百姓的命运提供了正当的理由。This metaphor helps officials from the lowest level to the top to justify their lawless manipulation of the collective wealth and cruel and beastly control over the fate of the general public.