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第五章整理何组所见气象卜辞。Chapter five sysemizes Ho Group Weather Oracle.

卜辞之“步”应与商代军制单位有关。Bu must have a connection with the military system of Shang dynasty.

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第四章对何组田猎卜辞进行搜集和整理。Chapter four makes a collection and arrangement in terms of Ho Group Hunting Oracle.

遗址出土的青铜器,玉器,甲骨卜辞举世闻名。Yinxu is well know for bronzes, jades, and inscribed oracle bones unearthed from the site.

甲骨卜辞的发现最终使人们发现了商代后期曾建都于安阳。It was the discovery of the oracle bones which led to the location of anyang as a Shang capital.

这些刻有卜辞的甲骨被妥善藏于窖穴之中,所以才能流传到现在。These shells and bones would be well preserved in cellars or caves and come down to modern times.

殷墟卜辞中普遍存在兼类词现象,“雨”是典型的动名兼类词。Transmutation of the parts of speech existed general ly in oracle bone inscriptions of Yin Ruins.

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何组卜辞材料比较零散,前人对它几乎没有过系统的综论。Ho Group Oracle consists of fragmented material, its predecessors have almost no systematic review.

殷墟卜辞曾多次记载殷人祭祀滳水、洹水。The Oracle inscriptions discovered in Yin Remains have records of Yin people worshiping Shang and Huan Rivers.

附录二收录了我们所试缀的七组历组卜辞,并作了释文。The other are seven groups joints of oracle bones of Lizu, and the interpretation of each group are following.

屯南系列甲骨卜辞中历组和无名组同文卜辞各具特点。In Village South Series, identical soothsaying texts on Oracle Bones in Lizu and Wumingzu have different traits.

以及指出了花东卜辞和历组卜辞在字体上的相似处。The article also demonstrates that the Huadong Group of divinations has orthographic similarities with the Li Group.

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卜辞中有四项证据说明殷历确实是一部推步历。However, there are four kinds of inscriptional evidence indicating that Yin calendar indeed is a prescriptive calendar.

第六章根据何组卜辞的字体、署辞、成语、人名、地名、占卜事项等来分析其所处的时代。Chapter six analyzes the matter in which era according to fonts, text cases, idioms, names of persons and divination matters.

第四章研究对贞卜辞语用平面的移位现象并分析其语用意义。The chapter four, researches on Symmetry Inscription pragmatic position moving phenomenon and analyzes its pragmatic meaning.

对刻字甲骨和牛骨的研究表明,它们曾被商朝皇帝用以卜辞。Study of the inscriptions on the shells and shoulder bones of oxen revealed these had been used in divination by a Shang King.

第二章从“王宾卜辞”和“周祭卜辞”两个方面来管窥何组中常见的祭祀卜辞。From Wang Bin Speech and Oracle-week festival two aspects Chapter two reviews common divination ritual speech in terms of Ho Group.

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近年来又有新材料出土,因而我们有必要对何组卜辞作一次系统的整理和研究。In recent years it has unearthed new material, thus it is necessary for us to make a systematic collation and research about Ho Group Oracle.

第三章从所见征伐方囯、战争的参与者、战利品、军事词汇四个角度整理了何组所见的战争卜辞。Chapter three arranges War Speech seen by Ho Group from four points of view of Fang Conquest, war leaders, military activities, the spoils of war.

他们把卜辞刻在龟甲和兽骨的平坦面上,涂上红色标示吉利,黑色标示凶险。They inscribed divination words on tortoise shells or animal bones, and painted them red to symbolize good luck or black to symbolize potential disaster.