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这是你所需要的中草药。This is your herbal medicine.

你得服用一些中草药。You nee to take some Chinese herbs.

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茶叶、中草药、咖啡等袋泡饮品。Ter. Chinese Herbs. coffee. any tea-bag drinks.

中草药治疗糖尿病有效吗?Are there any useful herbal remedies for diabetes?

其他挥发油丰富的中草药的药茶制作方式也类似如此。Other volatile oil-rich herbs are prepared in a similar fashion.

研究了从中草药元宝草中提取金丝桃蒽酮素的工艺方法。The method of preparation of hypericin from Chinese herb is studied.

目的阐述临床常见中草药的新功效。Objective To discribe the new clinical efficacy of several Chinese herbs.

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因为在煎煮中草药的时候,会产生难闻的气味。As parents boil up the chinese medicine herbs an abnoxioussmell comes out.

辛夷,中草药名,即玉兰科望春花,亦称辛夷花。Xinyi , a herb name, is a kind of spring flower, also called Xinyi flower.

中国似乎是全球市场上中草药的主要供应商。China seems to be a major producer of medicinal herbs in the global market.

同时应该考虑对中草药或药物的肝毒素反应。Hepatotoxic reactions to herbal remedies or drugs also merit consideration.

目的探讨中草药黄芩茎叶提取物—野黄芩甙对发热家兔的解热作用。Objective To study the antipyretic action of scutellarin on fever in rabbits.

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用中草药及人参经提炼生产而成,激活并提高免疫力。Refined with herbs and ginseng production from activated and improve immunity.

典型的中医疗法包括针灸,中草药,和练习。The typical TCM therapies include acupuncture, herbal medicine, and exercises.

并用多种试验对抗猪伪狂犬病病毒的中草药的进行筛选。With a variety of tests against pseudorabies virus screening of Chinese herbs.

这些提示将让您能够安全和有效地使用中草药作为药茶。These tips will allow you to use many herbs both safely and effectively as teas.

八角莲注射液是从中草药八角莲提取制得的新制剂。Bajiolian injection, a new preparation extracted from the Chinese medicinal herb.

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但是我没有在中国看到任何一个大规模的中草药种植场。But, I was not able to see any one large plantation for medicinal herbs in China.

本发明公开了乳仔猪用中草药复合预混料。The invention discloses Chinese herbal medicine compound premix used for piglets.

因植物药占中药的大多数,所以中药也称中草药。It is also known as herbal medicine because the majority of herbal medicine is herbals.