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韩佳,你在念叨什么呢?Han Jia, what are you muttering?

吉姆这么念叨着她,闭着眼睛。Jim plays with her. His eyes close.

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她常常念叨着你。She often remembers you in our talks.

他们不用每天念叨着你。People do not need to talk about you everyday.

我给你的工作表后通过电子邮件日子她念叨着。I'll send you work sheet by email somedays later.

他就是我们常常念叨的张大伯。This is the Uncle Zhang we're always talking about.

她念叨要买首饰念叨了好几个星期了。She's been going on about getting jewellery for weeks.

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开会期间,汤姆喋喋不休地念叨着他的工资。During the meeting, Tom kept murmuring about his salary.

你即使是小声地念叨一番,也有助于使它们更令人难忘。Even a whisper will help to make those items more memorable.

那只脚趾再也没变直过来,父亲经常念叨着这件事。That toe never did straighten out and Father talked of it often.

她举起双手,口里不知道在念叨什么。She raises hands, the inside doesn't know to be reading Dao what.

他向蒙迪扎巴尔讲述了同样的事情,一遍又一遍地念叨着这句话。He told Mendizábal the same thing, repeating the words over and over.

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我暗自念叨着安东尼的话,默默地学他的语调。I repeated to myself Anthony's words, catching his accent, soundlessly.

晚上,萧辉喝的大醉,念叨着大王和王后都变了。Night, Xiao Hui drink got wasted, chanting the king and queen were changed.

这些捐助人的代表之一就是被很多人经常念叨的前威斯康星议员拉斯.法因戈尔德。The name on some lips was that of Russ Feingold a former senator from Wisconsin.

这些捐助人的代表之一就是被很多人经常念叨的前威斯康星议员拉斯.法因戈尔德。The name on some lips was that of Russ Feingold, a former senator from Wisconsin.

洞房中,酒醉的强生嘴里不断念叨七妹的名字。Bridal chamber, drunken j&js mouth constantly chanting the names of the seven sister.

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在最后的时刻,由于全身浮肿带来的巨大疼痛,他一直神志不清的念叨着这几个字。In his last moments, in great pain after being bled for dropsy, he muttered these words.

念叨令人厌烦的意识形态咒语不能在上世纪80年代拯救我们,现在也一样。Chanting tired ideological mantras didn't save us in the 1980s. And it won't save us now.

玛莎说,亨利昨天在念叨着‘椰酥’之类的话,说什么五千万椰酥之类的。Martha said Henry was muttering something yesterday about Jaycees, fifty million Jaycees.