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我们面临着实实在在的威胁。We face real threats.

我会给你一个实实在在的B减。I'd say a solid B minus.

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哇噻,看来我错地实实在在呀。Whoa, I really got it wrong.

这实实在在有一连串。There was the true continuity.

这是一种实实在在的,可触可摸的感觉。It is a real, a bodily feeling.

他的钞票是实实在在的真货。His notes were the genuine article.

火鸡,诸多禽类里的一种,实实在在的代表了资本主义费城的价值观。Truly, a one-per-cent kind of bird.

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实实在在听听他们说些什么。Really listen to what they’re saying.

试问自己哪件事是实实在在有价值的。Ask yourself which items have true value.

她说那些花儿是一种实实在在的祝福。She said the flowers were a true blessing.

你看到的东西是实实在在的,没有虚伪做作。What you see is what you get, no pretense.

我看着艾里亚,他的伤感是实实在在的。I look at Eliyah and his sadness is tangible.

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你得把它实实在在地写下来,就写在纸上。You need to actually write it down, on paper.

上述这些都是实实在在的症状。And the idea is that these are actually symptoms.

确保你的背景色实实在在只是背景!Make sure your background stays in the background!

有着实实在在的战争经验,挺有意思。So like tangible war experience, very interesting.

碗柜后面的墙可是实实在在的,没有洞也没有裂缝。The walls in there were sound—no holes, no cracks.

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但是这是一个实实在在的“急刹车”。But this is an honest-to-goodness slam on the brakes.

这就是苏打绿的魅力,无可名状,但实实在在。This is the soda green charm, indescribable, but real.

悲剧意识,在老舍笔下是一个实实在在的世界。Lao she's tragic consciousness, in the world is a truly.