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这就是写实主义的缺陷。This is a deficiency in realistic painting.

导演还因时写实主义的要求而增加了投入。The director also raised costs with his demands for realism.

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它所添加的光晕特效也是一个增添了写实主义的细节。The added lens-flare is a detail that also adds to the realism.

想想吧,一只半写实主义的老鼠在厨房里烹饪大便吃。Let's have a semi-realistic rat in a kitchen cooking shit to eat.

它也是写实主义绘画最善于表现的语言要素。It is the most specialized element of language to display to those realism.

另外,手持摄像机拍摄的画面有独特的写实主义特点,通常情况下大型摄像机难以实现这一点。Plus, these devices lend a unique realism that is often not achieved with large-scale cameras.

十九世纪时对写实主义的轻蔑,如同狂人卡里班在镜中撇见自己的脸一般。The nineteenth century dislike of realism is the rage of Caliban seeing his own face in a glass.

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她青睐写实主义的画风,这一点从她的作品可以看出——栩栩如生。She loves to draw in the style of realism and you can see that in her works are really impressive.

强调形式至上,无视内容的一种非写实主义绘画作风。A nonrepresentational style that emphasizes formal values over the representation of subject matter.

把绘画本身作为目标,以表达情感和浓抹重涂为特性的非写实主义作风。A nonrepresentational style that emphasizes emotion, strong color, and giving primacy to the act of painting.

写实主义绘画,尤其是西方写实主义绘画,曾经是人类美术史上最为辉煌的篇章之一。The realistic painting in the Western country is one of the most splendid chapters in the history of fine arts.

1960年参加第一届的「新写实主义」美展,并且是此一艺术运动的创始会员之一。He was a founding member of the Nouveau Realism movement in 1960s Paris and a master of found-object sculptures.

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工笔画属中国传统的写实主义画派。其特点是画工精细,尤其注意细节的刻画。Gongbi is a traditional Chinese realistic painting characterized by fine brushwork and close attention to detail.

高度写实主义绘画很有意思的一点是,观者很难判断哪些是真实的,哪些是虚构的。The interesting aspect of hyperrealism is that it challengs the viewer to try to decide what is real and what isn't.

高度写实主义绘画很有意思的一点是,观者很难判断哪些是真实的,哪些是虚构的。The interesting aspect of hyperrealism is that it challenges the viewer to try to decide what is real and what isn’t.

“平民化”电视剧演员表演更趋于生活化,创作风格追求写实主义,回归了电视剧的创作本质。The actor performs truely, the artistic style pursues realism, return to the television drama, artistic innate character.

后现代技巧与写实主义、现代主义、魔幻写实主义或其他形式相互交织的情形不易予以理论化。This interweaving of postmodern techniques with realist, modernist, magical realist or other modes resists easy theorization.

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和充满激情的表现主观感受的画派不同,超级写实主义油画的作画过程,是十分理性的。It is different from the passionate expressionistic schools, the painting process of super realism painters are very rational.

他大力提倡写实主义美术,认为“形之不存,何云乎艺?”He made great effort to advocate realistic art fine, assuming that "when there is no form, where is the art to be talked about?"

与学院写实主义和抽象、观念艺术不同的表现性艺术,范围最广,活力最强。Different from the college realism, abstract art and the idea art, expressionism art has the wider scope and the stronger vitality.