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英雄抑或恶霸?Hero or bully?

有许多类型的恶霸老板。There are many types of bully bosses.

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这些水底恶霸很容易被激怒。These benthic bullies need little provocation.

控制者是恶霸中最圆滑的。Manipulator bosses are the smoothest of bullies.

那一年他们铲除了20多个恶霸。They did away with more than 20 local despots that year.

当恶霸欺负我的时候,他立马来解救我。When a bully teased me, he came to my rescue right away.

因为杀了一个恶霸而从家乡掏出,已流落江湖好几年了。He had killed a bad man and left his home many years ago.

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中情局的行为就像恶霸而且无人能够制止?The CIA acts like bullys and expects nobody to fight back?

专家提供了建议,该如何对付这些恶霸式的毒老板。Experts offer their tips on handling bully and toxic bosses.

那恶霸说他要痛打任何不同意的人。The bully said he was going to duke out anyone who disagreed.

开端,老鼠恶霸还有点害怕,躲进洞里面不敢出来了。Beginning a little scared mouse bullies inside out to hide the hole dare.

遭消遣的,岂止是约翰派克这个美国恶霸一人?。By entertainment, John Parker is more than one person the American bully?

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据传说,当地的恶霸曾经将他打得一连昏迷五天!According to legend, playground bullies once beat him into a five-day coma.

网络恶霸是在世界历史上最具破坏性的恶霸。Cyberbullying is the most devastating bullying in the history of the world.

老鼠恶霸更加恼怒,立刻也跳下去追逐小白猫。Mice bullies more angry, and immediately jump also chasing little white cat.

为了逃离不幸的家庭生活和学校恶霸,肖恩决定出走,混迹街头。Seeking to flee his unhappy home life and school bullies, Sean takes to the streets.

很快,正张牙舞爪安坐在墙角里的老鼠恶霸进入了小白猫的视界。Soon, being claws sit in the corner of a small white mouse bullies into the horizon.

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其他面向青少年的媒体也采取的反恶霸的态势。Other media outlets catering to young people have also adopted anti-bullying stances.

恶霸不仅不会欣赏别人人情味的一面,他们还不能容忍这些。Bullies not only don't appreciate the personal side of others, they don't tolerate it.

如果第三颗恒星冒险与它们距离过近,恶霸双星会像弹弓一样抛出这个恒星。If a third star ventures too close, the bully binary flings it clear like a slingshot.