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材料是250克铜版纸。The material is 250gsm coated paper.

两册套装—光面铜版纸和胶版纸。Set of two guides, coated and uncoated.

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铜版纸是一种更先进的书法风格。Copperplate is a more advanced style of calligraphy.

铜版纸是一种最普及的手提袋制作材料。Paper is one of the most popular handbag making materials.

如果可能的话实验亚光,半亚光和铜版纸。If possible experiment with matt, semi-matt , and gloss paper.

铜版纸,镜面铜版纸,热转印纸,标签卡纸。Coated & Uncoatde Papers, Gloss Paper, Thermal Transfer, Tag Stock.

旨在进一步提高轻量涂布纸的质量,替代传统的铜版纸用于高级印刷品。We want to improve the quality of LWC instead of art paper in printing.

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这些杂志的封面都是用上好的铜版纸印刷的。The covers of these magazines are printed with superior copperplate paper.

这并非美国在铜版纸问题上首次和中国出现摩擦。This isn't the first time the U. S. has wrangled with China over coated paper.

还有一种特殊类型的铜版纸是出售打印专业品质的照片。There is also a special type of glossy paper that is sold for printing professional quality photos.

美国上月对来自中国和印尼的进口铜版纸徵收附加关税。The United States last month from China and Indonesia' s import copperplate paper levy additional tariffs.

欧盟周六时宣布向中国的铜版纸首次征收反补贴及反倾销税。The EU announced on Saturday its first-ever anti-subsidy and anti-dumping duties on Chinese coated fine paper.

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此举发生在欧盟从2010年2月开始调查中国铜版纸之后。The moves come after the EU launched investigations in February 2010 into imports of Chinese coated fine paper.

第三、四、五章分别对新闻纸、铜版纸两个反倾销案例的一系列经济效应进行了实证分析。Chapter3, 4 and 5 demonstrated a series of economic effect of Newsprint and Copperplate paper antidumping cases.

本刊16开,全彩色铜版纸精美印刷,具有极强的视觉冲击力。This publication is 16 open, entire colored art paper fine printing, has the greatly strengthened visual impulse.

在铜版纸表面复上光膜或亚光膜后,不但具有防潮、耐用功能,而且显得更精致。In coated paper surface glazing film or matte film, not only has moisture-proof, durable, and become more refined.

其中常用印刷用纸主要包括铜版纸、牛皮纸、双胶纸、书写纸、新闻纸、白卡纸等。One common printing paper include art paper, kraft paper, offset paper, writing paper, newsprint, white cardboard.

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研究了用铜版纸印刷的中小学课本封面进行UV上光时,上光油的最佳用量。The optimum UV varnishing oil quantity in full format UV coating on coated paper used in textbook cover was studied.

彩报用的是新闻纸,所以它有差别于铜版纸制卡和会员卡制息的特不面。News paper using a newsprint , so it has a different from art paper business card printing and membership card making.

我们采用300克中性三层铜版纸制作的彩盒做外包装,外箱是国际标准外贸纸箱。For package , we use color-box made of triple neutral glossy paper . Regarding carton , we choose standard trade carton.