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看,那位老伯伯的是一只巨龙风筝。Look, the old man's kite is a dragon.

你最好问问那老伯伯本人。You 'd better ask that old man himself.

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你那位老伯伯,可真是个古怪的人。That old uncle of yours is a queer fish.

你的老伯伯,大山,会治愈你。Your old uncle, the Moutain, will heal you.

“好吧,”老伯伯边说边看着这个警官在不停地驱赶着几只苍蝇。"Yep, " the farmer said as he watched the trooper shoo away several flies.

你帮助那名老伯伯过马路,为我们树立了好榜样。You set a good example for us when you helped the old man cross the street.

这位老伯伯是我爸爸的同事,来找爸爸有事情。The uncle is Father's colleague and has come to talk about something with Father.

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一位农民老伯伯正在拖着一车粪向前进,一个州警拦住了他。An old farmer was hauling a load of manure when he was stopped by a state trooper.

猎人走后,狡猾的狼却要吃掉教书先生,幸亏来了一位老伯伯及时救了教书先生。After the hunter left, the foxy wolf wanted to eat the teacher. Fortunately, there came an old man, he saved the teacher in time.

一个阳光明媚的早上,我和妈妈去外婆家做客,路上看到老伯伯正在拾被别人遗弃的塑料袋。A sunny morning, my mother and I went to grandmother's home, on the road to see the old man was picked up by others abandoned plastic bags.

每日,这里过往着用方言吆喝的小商贩、安伫着下棋遛鸟的老伯伯。Daily, associate with is worn here the small small retailer that uses dialectal call, An Zhu is worn the granddad of bird of play chess stroll.

在庙街,有一个老伯伯是算命师,只要给他一点点钱,他就会帮你看面相或手相。In Temple Street, has an old citizen who is a fortune-teller, he will help you to realize your fate through looks your fact or examine your lines on the palm if you pay him some money.