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蒲草没有泥,岂能发长。Can papyrus shoot up without marsh?

蒲草上分离得到的菌株在芦苇上均有发现。The fungi isolated from Typha angustifolia can be found in reed.

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蒲草没有泥,岂能发长?芦荻没有水,岂能生发?。Can papyrus shoot up without marsh? Can reeds grow without water?

蒲草没有泥岂能发长?芦荻没有水岂能生发?Can the rush grow up without mire? can the flag grow without water?

较低层和蒲草庭院相通,庭院用微型沙丘设计。Lower level is in contact with the grass garden designed in micro-dunes.

发现这些蒲草纸的重要性怎么夸张都难说过分。The significance of these papyri finds can scarcely be over-exaggerated.

在杜蒲草堂寺留下了我们青春的倩影。Has left behind our youth beautiful figure in the Du cattail stem hall temple.

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你可能想知道是什么东西感动这母亲为孩子作了蒲草箱。God took over. You may want to know what moved the mother to make for him an ark of bulrushes.

他被放置成为蜷缩的姿势,躺在一张蒲草垫上,面向落日的方向。He would have been placed in a crouched position, lying on a mat of rushes, facing the setting sun.

文章探讨了水生植物废弃物蒲草根对阴离子染料刚果红的吸附及其作用机理。A novel biosorbent cattail root was investigated for the removal of Congo Red from aqueous solution.

只见王子身体摇了摇,最终失去平衡跌进了河里。河里的泥和蒲草立刻缠了过来,很快就把他抓住了。The prince staggered, lost his balance and fell backward into the river, where the mud and the rushes caught him and held him fast.

水到处蒲草苇花,沙隔处黄榆杨柳,形成了天然的生态复合系统。There are grasses and reeds everywhere. The elms and willows that grow around the sand mounds form a natural ecological system for bird and plants.

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他出生于利未家庭,利未人都将在以色列做牧师,他出生于一个牧师家庭,他被藏了三个月,后来他被放在蒲草篮子中,上面涂了石漆和石油,搁在了尼罗河畔的芦荻中。He is born into a Levite family. The Levites will be priests in Israel, so he's born to a priestly family. He's hidden away for three months, and then he's placed in a wicker basket, which is lined with bitumen, a tar, and set among the bulrushes at the edge of the Nile River.