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不怕困难,就怕畏难。Fear not difficulties, but be fuelled by them.

许多工程师对球面投影法有畏难情绪。Many engineers shy away from spherical projection methods.

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畏难心理进而导致拖延,最后使我们毫无进展。Fear leads to procrastination and ends us keeping us stagnant.

怎样才能水消除学生对作文的畏难情绪呢?How does the water cancellation student awe by difficulty composition motion?

法院自身方面,法官素质较低,在执行中有畏难情绪。Oneself aspect in the court, judge's character is lower, having already awed by difficulty motion in the performance.

在生活的海洋中,畏难的人收获的总是水面上的泡沫和垃圾。In life's ocean, a man who fears difficulties can only reap the scum and rubbish floating on the surface of the ocean.

师范生模拟教学存在紧张,自卑,自负,畏难,依赖等心理絔滴侍?。Thenormal school students have some psychological health problems such as tenseness, inferiority, conceit, fear ofdifficultyanddependence.

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但从公布的房价调控计划中,我们能够清晰地看到地方政府的犹豫、畏难,甚至是逃避责任。From the released price increase control, we can clearly see hesitation, dodging and even an evasion of responsibility from local governments.

师范生模拟教学存在紧张、自卑、自负、畏难、依赖等心理健康问题。The normal school students have some psychological health problems such as tenseness, inferiority, conceit, fear of difficulty and dependence.

面对写作任务时,学生缺乏积极性与自信心,畏难情绪较重,这与传统教学法有着密切关系。Confronting a writing task, students are over-anxious and they lack interest and confidence, which is closely related with traditional teaching method.

很多学生对其不感兴趣,乃至产生畏难和抵触的情绪,目前的课堂教学现状很不乐观。Most of the students have little interest in it. Some students are afraid of studying, while some other students even have negative impression at this subject.

如何消除这一畏难情绪,保持良好的学习状态和健康心理,是远程教育管理者的首要任务,而要解决这一任务的关键是要强化心理疏导,提升他们的学习信心。It is the primary task for the distance educationists to get rid of the students' difficulty mentality and help them to maintain a sound and healthy learning mood.

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物理是非常抽象而且难懂,所以一般来说学生会对这门课程产生畏难情绪,从而对学习没有什么兴趣。Physical is so abstract as to not be understanded. So , generally the student may arise the feeling of being feared by it. therefore, that's no interested to them.

美国中文学校的老师感到最头疼的问题是学生学汉字畏难情绪严重。The most troublesome problem for teachers in Chinese Schools of USA is that children are afraid of difficulties seriously when they are learning Chinese characters.

这些原因造成了许多初中毕业生在刚进入高中阶段时不能很好地适应高中英语教材,对高中英语教材产生畏难情绪而学习落后。At the same time, they will feel it hard to study English well in senior middle school. It is for these reasons that they can't do well in English study in senior middle school.

但是在学生中却普遍存在着疏离甚至排斥鲁迅的现象,很多教师也对鲁迅作品教学有畏难情绪。But actually, the phenomenon of estranging or even rejecting Luxun generally exists among students, and many teachers also have been afraid of difficulty on teaching Luxun's works.

从学生的实际出发,帮助学生克服学习上的困难,逐步消除畏难情绪,建立学好英语的信心。Embarks from student's reality, helps the student to overcome in the study the difficulty, eliminates the fear of difficulties gradually, the establishment learns English the confidence.

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为了克服学生学习中的畏难情绪,调动其学习积极性,采用了框图、表格与精讲相结合的施教方法。In order to help the students to overcome the fear of difficulty and mobilize their initiative in the study, the teaching method of combining charts, tables with intensive lectures is adopted.