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他的发球强有力。He has a powerful serve.

他面临一个强有力的敌手He had a worthy opponent.

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这是一个强有力的谈判利器。It was a powerful bargaining tool.

紧抱,尤指强有力地拥抱。To hug, especially with great force.

保禄在他的生活中感受到了强有力的召叫。Paul had a great calling on his life.

但狮子强有力的声带是方形的。But the lion's mighty pipes are square.

我的拇指强有力,我的小手指也是。My thumb is stronger, and so is my pinky.

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这是一个强有力的简单组合。This is a powerful little word combination.

那个公司是我们强有力的竞争对手。C. The company is a strong competitor of us.

牙齿强有力的咬紧了凯洛的胸部。As powerful as her jaws into Carol's breasts.

该希伯来的定义是“一个强有力的领导人”。The Hebraic definition of is "a strong leader".

这位律师强有力的争辩博得陪审团之信服。The lawyer's cogent arguments convince the jury.

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他们全都是强有力的打击手,他也不例外。They are all power hitters and he is no exception.

在你的博文结尾加上一个对读者强有力的号召。Add a strong call to action at the end of your post.

但是狮子那根强有力的管道式方形的,老虎也是。But the lion's mighty pipes are square, tigers’ too.

一些新近的西部片塑造了更强有力的女性角色。Some recent Westerns give women more powerful roles.

这名字多么强有力地拨动了每一个俄罗斯人心弦!How violently the name plucks at any Russian's heart!

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最后,它对强有力的反面证据视而不见。Lastly, it ignores overwhelming evidence to contrary.

性爱也是一种强有力的社会帮扶形式。Lovemaking is also a powerful form of social support.

运用你的影响力,这是变化发生的强有力的原动力。Use your influence.It is a powerful agent for change.