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不要乱动我的玩具。Don't meddle with my toys.

谁乱动我的相机了?Who interfered with my camera?

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谁乱动了我的文件了?Who interfered with my papers?

别让你的小孩子乱动我的财物。Keep your brats off my property.

不要乱动我的录音机。Don't fiddle with my tape-recorder.

对不起啦,朋友,那边有个木乃伊在乱动。Sorry, pal. There's a mummy on the loose.

有人乱动了这台机器。Someone has been tampering with the machine.

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你的小妹妹经常乱动你的东西吗?Is your little sister always taking your stuff?

坐着,坐着就好。别老想乱动。Just sit. Just sit. Stop trying to move around.

有人又在乱动我的文件了。Somebody's been monkeying with my papers again.

我早上不应该乱动我的幻灯片。And I shouldn't have played with my slides this morning.

别乱动电视机了,你会把它弄坏的。You'll break the TV if you don't stop monkeying with it.

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没有老师的允许,不要乱动仪器。Don’t touch the instruments unless the teacher allows you.

他解开那条仍然在乱动的黑虫,把它扔到窗外。He unwinds the still jerking body, and tosses it out the window.

在晚上,小狗垂头丧气的在大树前乱动。In the evening, the crestfallen little dog walked by a big tree.

一旦发现有麻烦了,最明智的举动就是别乱动。At the first sign of trouble, the smartest thing to do is freeze.

喂!我不准你乱动这些锋利的刀具。Look here! I'm not going to have you monkeying with these edged tools.

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你的手脚不要这样乱舞乱动,要正确地游泳划动。Don't fling your arms and legs about like that,make the proper swimming strokes.

小孩睡觉乱动的两个主要因素是行为问题和异态睡眠。Two major causes of sleep disorders in babies are behavioral problems and parasomnias.

由于梁柱不能乱动,买家只好以修饰减少视觉障碍。The beams can not move heedlessly , buyers have to qualify to reduce visual impairment.