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林文犹豫了一下,仍然按兵不动。Just hesitate a little, still bide one's time.

我们将按兵不动,等着敌人断粮挨饿。We shall wait the enemy out, and watch them starve.

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狗也摆好阵势,要狂吠了,但是今晚,他们按兵不动。The dogs began to yip and howl, but tonight they kept their places.

敌人还在前进,可我们可以按兵不动,使他们在这山谷里不战自败。The enemy are still advancing, but we can wait them out in this valley.

然而若你待业家中并正在找寻工作,那么你可不能按兵不动。But if you're out of work and looking for a job, don't hold your breath.

当一只鸟只是为了张望而飞向高枝的时候,其它的鸟按兵不动。When a bird merely flies up to a branch to look around, the other birds don?t move.

"我认为这不会改变任何事情.在我们看来联储依然处于按兵不动的状态,"他说,"我认为联储不敢在失业率依然高居双位数水准的情况下就上调政策利率.""I don't think this changes anything. The Fed is still on hold in our opinion," he said.

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如果人人都在买进时你做到了按兵不动,那么只有在人人都抛售时你才能买进。You can only buy when everyone else is selling if you have held your fire when everyone was buying.

这家荷兰银行的工作人员称ING管理层想在局势明朗前按兵不动。Staffers at the Dutch bank said ING's management wanted to keep their distance until the dust settled.

美国官员表示乐见这份声明,但投资人对此的解读则为中国将按兵不动.U.S. officials said they were encouraged by this statement, but investors read it as a signal of non-action.

李艾科表示可能剥离个人电脑业务,同时又说惠普实际上有可能按兵不动,这更是增加了不确定性。While suggesting a spinoff was likely, he added to the uncertainty when he said that H-P might, in fact, do nothing.

他们将在更长时间内按兵不动,但只在通胀风险来临前如此.各国央行对此非常担忧.这是一个明显的危险.They will keep the foot on for a little bit more but that's until when inflation risks come in. That's very worrying for central banks.

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袁术担心在徐州的吕布救援刘备,派人给吕布送去粮草和密信,要吕布按兵不动。For fear of Lü Bu in Xuzhou who might lend Liu a hand, Yuan wrote Lü a letter, together with many food supplies as gifts, asking him not to help Liu.

他十分清楚地知道,这次违反他的意志进行的战斗,除了弄得十分混乱以外,不会有别的结果,于是就他的权力所及,尽力阻止部队进攻,他按兵不动。He knew very well that nothing but muddle would come of this battle, begun against his will, and, as far as it was in his power, he held his forces back. He did not move.

假如你单位的其他人都在向老板大献殷勤或为得到一些好处设法去巴结你的老板,你是顺其道而行之还是按兵不动?If everyone in your workplace is dancing attendance on the boss or trying every means to butter him up in order to gain a favor, will you do the same or remain what you are?

除了全球经济成长及出口前景不明之外,交通银行驻上海首席经济经济学家连平列出了许多按兵不动的基本理由.Apart from the uncertain outlook for global growth and exports, Lian Ping, chief economist at Bank of Communications in Shanghai, listed other fundamental reasons for standing pat.

周四,特里谢在欧洲央行最新政策决议出炉后将召开记者会.英国央行和欧洲央行都将召开利率会议,但预计都将按兵不动.On Thursday, Trichet will hold a news conference after the ECB makes its latest policy decision. The Bank of England and ECB hold rate meetings, with both expected to stay on hold.

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追逐收益报酬的投资人,今年大举投入公司债,目前暂时按兵不动.但分析师预期,若回避风险气氛大幅升温,公司债市场有可能遭重创.Yield-seeking investors who have poured money into corporate bonds this year are staying put for now but the market could be bruised if risk aversion rises sharply, analysts expect.

新一任足协主席将在明年上任,也许开始都要雷厉风行地立志改变收拾烂摊子,然后虚晃一枪,按兵不动。New soccer association president will take office in next year, perhaps starts to resolve to change vigorously and resolutely tidies up the mess, then empty shakes a gun, holds troops.

鼓励政府按兵不动而让其他机构去做他们认为太困难的工作,这样做是有风险的,既是一种失职,也可能会错失机遇。It risks encouraging governments to sit back and let others do the work that they find too difficult themselves. That is both a dangerous abdication of responsibility and a missed opportunity.