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他的艺术格调清丽简约,雅俗之间,充满诗情画意。His artistic style is elegant and simple, full of poetic charm.

这三个词语的雅俗程度和在句中的位置有所不同。They differ In degree of formality and position In the sentence.

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阿波罗当场把他那对不辨雅俗的耳朵变成了一对驴耳朵。Apollo promptly transformed his depraved pair of ears into those of an ass.

这类词在内容上表现为对情与欲的趋避,在风格上则有雅俗的分别。They are different in style, some of them are very elegant, and some are vulgar.

文章还指出苏轼轻视词体的思想根源在于思想意识上的雅俗观念。Sushi like regard Ci on the rule of poetry expresses his thoughts of underestimating Ci.

雅俗批评是古典戏曲的基本批评理论之一,它在明代得到较充分的运用和阐说。The refined and popular criticism is one of the basic critical theories of classical dramas.

而整个乐府文学的规律性的特征,是鲍照乐府雅俗兼具风格的根源。And the regular features of the folk literature are the sources of the way Bao Zhao had taken.

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雅俗论争,是中国现代小说史的中心话题之一。The dispute over elegance and commonplace is one focus in the history of modern Chinese novels.

从而最终形成了雅俗分野又各得其所的基本文学格局。Refined ultimately formed the dividing line between the basic literary patterns they get what they want.

雅俗文学就在这种互相交融、互相对立中成为一个融合体。Then these two kinds literature become a blended body in the process of mutual exchanges and mutual opposes.

雅俗对举是清真词里运用的众多雅化方法中的一种,大概分为以词尾结句来衬全词和以下片衬上片而使全词趋雅。The juxtaposition of refined and popular words is one of many a method of refinement of ci poem of Qing dynasty.

惟其如此,才能最终有助于达到一种关于后现代雅俗融合的真切认识与理解。As such, we can eventually help achieve a real initiative on postmodern knowledge and understanding of the fusion.

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随着其新生代的文化进步,必然产生雅俗冲突。Cultural progress of the new generation inevitably gave rise to the conflict of the secular and refined practices.

文学雅俗对立的形成是文学发展史上的重大事件。The confrontation of serious literature and popular literature is an important issue in the development of literature history.

当高雅的美术技巧被用于勾勒出俗世中人们的生活百态之时,雅俗得以结合。When the lofty fine arts skill uses in outlining in the earthliness people's life hundred condition, elegant vulgar can unify.

戴侗词源研究的另一个特点是从声音上贯通古今雅俗词语,寻找它们之间音义上的联系。Dai's other contribution of etymological study was to connect formal and informal words by sounds to seek their relations in sound and meaning.

雅与俗是词学的核心范畴,词学研究的聚光灯长期聚焦于雅俗问题。Elegant and vulgar is the core category in the field of Ci theory, The focus lamp of the Ci theory was focus elegant and vulgar issue long time.

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这种现象的形成,决定于诗歌雅俗交替以及诗乐分合的嬗变规律,而由经济、思想、文化等构成的南朝特定的社会人文环境则是其中的催化剂。This phenomenon was chiefly the result of both the alternation of refined and popular tastes and the coupling and separation of music and poetry.

本文试图以船山诗学中的雅俗观为切入点来探讨其美学观念。Taking the refinement and vulgarity in Chuanshan s Poetics as the breakthrough point, the author attempts to discuss the aesthetics idea in his poems.

从这三种诗歌中,可发现雅俗文学之间的交融、碰撞而嬗变的文学雅俗互动的有趣轨迹。Compared all of those three kinds of poetries, We may trace the clues of the interflowing and exchanging between the refined literature and the popular ones.