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他用锯子深切入树身。He gashed the tree with a saw.

“我也没有树身让你爬了。”树说。"e and play ith me ! "the tree said.

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尽管古柏树身斑斑驳驳。Although the body of the tree is mottled.

红杉魅力无穷,其树身之大,寿命之长,令人赞叹。Sequoias fascinate people by their size and age.

当树身被砍得够深时,树就倒了。When enough of the tree is chopped away, the tree falls.

树冠脱离了树身,那是什么样的疼痛?Tree crown come off tree trunk, what kind of pain will it be?

地面盘根错节,树身枝干缠绕。Their roots bulked above the ground and the branches were twisted.

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越深入树身,蜜蜂越多。The further I cut into the belly of the tree, the more bees I found.

从树顶到底部围绕树身点缀,保持均匀的间隔。Dot them around the tree from top to bottom, spacing them out evenly.

主根垂直向下生长,以固定树身,并吸取深处的水分。The taproot grows straight down to anchor the tree and reach for deep water.

走近细看,有的树身竟是八九个以上的疤痕。Colsing him or her, you can see the scars above eight or nine in their bodies.

这棵百年老松历经了百年风雨依然树身劲拔。This old pine has undergone extreme weather but still stands tall and straight.

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一些肉食的生物,如有角的卡塔恩兽,五足的克尔格罗兽,习惯在巨大的树身之间潜行捕猎。Prowling the mighty boles are such predators as the horned katarn, and the five-limbed kkekkrrg rro.

树身弯曲或倾斜的古树也为了这缘故大受人们的爱好看重。Old trees that have zigzag and more or less sloping trunks are also greatly loved and valued for this reason.

有几条从空而来的树根沿着树身爬下来,在树的底座绕成一个盘根错节的黑圈。Some of its aerial roots, creeping down along its trunk, had formed a dark complication of coils at its base.

一片松林环绕着大宝寺,松树树身和枝条上飘扬着五颜六色的经幡。A slice of pine forest encircles precious temple and the tree body of pine tree on branch flutter colorful go through Fan.

至于那株大树,树身雄伟,枝丫粗大,似乎不把春夜寒霜放在眼里,不怕它会损害那依然光秃的枝柯。As to that great tree, strong-trunked and broad-armed, it seemed to defy a spring-night frost to harm its still bare boughs.

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那是一辆在森林地区用来装运厚木板和树身的重型货车的前半部。It was the fore-carriage of one of those trucks which are used in wooded tracts of country, and which serve to transport thick planks and the trunks of trees.

我真想去爬白桦树,沿着雪白的树干,爬上乌黑的树枝,爬向那天心,直到树身再支撑不住,树梢碰着地,把我放下来。I'd like to go by climbing a birch tree, And climb black branches up a snow-white trunk toward heaven, till the tree could bear no more, But dipped its top and set me down again.

在大地的混沌时期,水陆还没有清楚地分开,体积巨大、奇形怪状的两栖动物,在从淤泥地里生长出来的、没有树身的森林中行走。When, in the early ages of the Earth, land and water had not yet distinctly separated, huge misshapen amphibious creatures walked the trunk-less forests growing on the oozing silt.