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我辈都听,爱神差遣。Cupid he rules us all.

我辈还需努力,共赴小康大道!Also, to still need to well-off avenue.

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我辈耍了。老板今年没给我圣诞节的补助。The boss did not give me my Christmas bonus this year.

我辈于沉默之中守候,等待生命意义显现之日。We wait in silence for these times when sense can be made.

他说,”流动性陷阱并非我辈所愿。“It is our intention not to be in a liquidity trap”, he said.

我辈耍了。老板今年没给我圣诞节的补助。I got stiffed. The boss didn't give me my Christmas bonus this year.

我辈族人之前从未见过白人,还误以为他们是鬼魂。Our people had not seen white men before. We thought they were sprites.

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像市南宜僚这样清高的人,他们是瞧不起我辈人士的。Men of Yiliao are high-hearted guys who look down on the people like us.

而从我辈福利的角度来看,所谓的“这样或那样的影响”就是指物价水平。And the major this and that, in terms of your welfare and mine, is the price level.

离我们好远,因我辈皆常人,唯那位离开的军人,无私而又真实。Sounds far away from us, because we are ordinary people, but the soldier is selfless and true.

所以,当中国前领导人之书出版发行,这一难得时刻,国内诸如我辈不禁垂涎以待。And so on the rare occasions that published works of former leaders arrive, China nerds like me salivate.

那种以获取长官欢心为业的人,只是一般普通的官员。对此,我辈人士是引以为耻的。Those men who intend to toady to the boss for keeping their position, they are common officials. To us, we are shame to do so.

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我们是一个大家庭!和谐的家庭气氛很珍贵!望我辈竭尽所能让我们这个篮球大家庭和睦融洽!We are a big family ! The harmonizing atmosphere of a family is valuable! Try our best to let our family harmony flow smoothly!

所以,对于我辈凡夫俗子,既然不能成佛成仙,既然做不了智者,那便从现在开始,健康而快乐地过好每一天。So, for us ordinary people, since not Buddha into sin, since can't become wise, and that from now on, healthy and happy every day.

他们从来没有认识的上帝那令人惧怕的光明,以那样刺痛,灼热,令人炫目的光明为背景永远地折磨着我辈。They have never known that ghastly luminosity, that stabbing and searing glare which makes the background of permanent pain to our lives.

如我辈,生命中注定一种悲剧的因子,往往不能满足与喜剧的浮浅,而醉心于悲剧的震撼。If my generation, a tragic fate factors students often can not meet with the comedy of the superficial, and obsessed with the shock of the tragedy.

母亲的身体一直不好,近来更愈,就像多难的中国一样依然直面人生,更使奔波的我辈酸疚。Mother's body has been good, even more recently, as more difficult as China continues to face in life, so I go for acid generation chronic disease.

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乔丹在空中如此无敌而优雅地飞过,让我辈望而兴叹,所以想来他一定是具备遗传天赋的超人吧。Jordan flies through the air with such grace and abilities so far apart from mine that it seems he must be some sort of genetically gifted super-being.

一家公司被另一家公司掌控,而后者又从银行借贷,银行是最终支配你我辈普通人辛苦钱的机构。A corporation is owned by another corporation, who is again borrowing money from banks, who may ultimately manipulate money owned by ordinary people like ourselves.