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通过时事通讯?Through newsletters?

关掉即时通讯和聊天。Turn of IM and chat.

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电子通讯的理想选择。E-newsletters are ideal.

杜库反感地关闭通讯器。He shut his comlink in disgust.

输入通讯组列表名称。Type the distribution list name.

通讯缩短了距离。Communication shortens the distance.

琼斯、古格,你们是通讯官吗?Jones, Krug, you from communications?

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选择一种网络通讯库。Choose the network library to utilize.

他和简保持通讯联系。He kept up a correspondence with Jane.

中兴通讯也已经盯上了美国市场。ZTE also has been eyeing U.S. markets.

设置电子邮件帐户和“通讯簿”。Setup email Accounts and Address Books.

可以与通讯工作联系起来。This may link with work on communication.

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多谢支持香港业馀电台联会应急通讯!!!Thank you for your support HARTS ARES! ! !

我们能够访问通讯协议。We have access to communication protocols.

你好,我是国际通讯公司的尼克戴尔文。Hello, this is Nick Delwin from Communicon.

没有塞满您邮箱的电子邮件时事通讯。No e-mail newsletters clutter your mailbox.

这个规则同样适用于通讯面试。This rule also applies to digital interviews.

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这就是广受欢迎的通讯工具——微信。It is the popular communicational tool Wechat.

请你检查下面的通讯地址是否正确…Please check your address is right as follows.

解码板支持RS232通讯。The decode board supports RS232 communication.