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商人写的广告见报了。Writing the business reported the advertisement.

该通告将于明日见报。The announcement will appear in tomorrow'snewspapers.

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他们的结婚启事已见报了。The announcement of their marriage appeared in the newspaper.

有关这次会议的报道明日即可见报。Reports on this conference will appear in tomorrow's newspapers.

但B27多态性是否影响疾病表型尚未见报道。But B27 polymorphism affect disease phenotype has not been reported.

托尼现在一下子成了众人关注的中心,因为他有一份经常出镜、见报的工作。Tony has now been thrust into the limelight, with a high-profile job.

但是槟榔碱单体对INS-1胰岛细胞的研究尚未见报道。However, so far, there was little research of arecoline on INS-1 cells.

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他设想最好以文章见报的方式告诉露丝他已回来了。He conceived that it would be fine to let that event apprise Ruth of his return.

毒品已经被发现这一警察报告昨天见报了。The police report that the drugs had been found appeared in the press yesterday.

民众受骗术的事多次见报,但却无揭穿骗术的奥秘所在。People are intoxicated thing repeatedly reported, but no expose quackery mystery.

有的见报子老爷挤坐在地上,还搬了桌、椅来,请报录人坐着喝酒。Some even brought tables and chairs and invited the heralds to sit down and drink.

而有关FGFR3与牙源性肿瘤的关系目前尚未见报道。Presently the relation between FGFR3 and odontogenic tumor has not been showed yet.

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关于复合皮革防霉整饰剂的应用尚未见报道。Application of antifungal finishing composite for leather had not yet been reported.

而食用菌菌糠在生化黄腐酸的发酵生产中的应用尚未见报道。Extract and production biochemical fulvic acid from fungus chaff has not been reported.

VIP样神经元也出理于前连合核,此发现尚未见报道。It was interesting that the VIP neurons were also found in anterior commissure nucleus.

在淋巴源的恶性肿瘤中,上述的每一个抑癌基因改变均见报道。Each of these tumor suppressors has been reported to be altered in lymphoid malignancies.

抑郁对心室肌电生理学特性有何影响尚未见报道。It is unknown whether depression have effects on ventricular electrophysiological properties.

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目前,该药对整体脑缺血-再灌注损伤保护作用的研究尚未见报道。It is not reported that the protective effects of Imi on cerebral ischemia-reperfusion injury.

这段采访在本周一全部刊登在该报网站上,还将在周二见报。The interview will be fully released on the publication's website Monday and in print Tuesday.

但VA菌根真菌在草地早熟禾坪草方面的研究尚未见报道。But the research on the VA mycorrhiza fungi with kentucky bluegrass didn't appear in newspaper.