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乔伟就是她的亲生儿子!Qiao Wei is her own son!

找一条狗的亲生父母。A biological birth parent search.

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谁是凯西真正的亲生母亲?。Who was Kacey's real birth mother?

我一直爱着你就像爱我的亲生儿子。I've loved vou as if vou were mv son.

他的姐姐是他的亲生母亲。His sister turned out to be his mother.

他们把他当亲生孩子抚养。They brought him up as their own child.

她温柔地抚摸着我的头,就像是在抚摸她亲生儿子一样。She stroked my head as if I were her son.

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他像对自己亲生女儿一样呵护她。He babies her as if she is his own daughter.

她比自己的亲生女儿多活了十年。She survived her own daughters by ten years.

这老人待她就像他自己的亲生女儿。The old man treated her as his own daughter.

他一直没有真正接纳她是自己的亲生女儿。He never really accepted her as his own child.

他总是让我觉得我是他的亲生女儿。Hes always made me feel like his own daughter.

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道照做了,端把亲生女儿紧紧抱在怀里。The way he did, the daughter held in her arms.

虽然是亲生父子,可小王的像貌跟父亲一点也不一样。Xiao Wang doesn't look like his father at all.

他总是让我觉得我适他的亲生囡儿。He's always made me feel like his own daughter.

我对待我的小狗的方法就像亲生骨肉一样。I cared for my puppy as if I were raising a son.

那对老夫妻待她就像自身的亲生女儿。The old couple treated her as their own daughter.

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他们把这个小孩当作自己的亲生子女来抚养。They have cherished the child as one of their own.

这个男人竟把自己的亲生儿鞭打死了,多么残忍!How cruel was the man to flog his own son to death!

她沉浸在失去亲生女儿的悲痛之下。She is grieving the loss of her biological daughter.