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评选出10大赛道,10大人物模型,10大赛车。Rate 10 tracks, 10 Mods, and 10 karts.

此次评选活动中演员赵薇占得次席。Actress Zhao Wei ran second in the poll.

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商业周刊网同时也评选了每个州的第一名。also selected a top place in each state.

四月评选出最终的九份建议。Judgers chose 9 final lists finalists in April.

该片在第73届学院奖评选中获四项奥斯卡大奖。It won four Oscars at the 73rd annual Academy Awards.

以下是应答者评选出的爱情名句排行榜A list of quotes and their ranking by respondents follows

在南非广播公司的最伟大的南非人评选中,他名列第五。He was ranked fifth amongst SABC3’s Great South Africans.

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不存在什么年度人物评选量尺或者运算法则。There's no Person of the Year measuring stick or algorithm.

想想为什么你能从评选标准中脱颖而出。Think about how you can stand out according to the criteria.

想在一周工作区的评选中拥有你的工作区专栏吗?Want to have your own workspace featured in Workspace of the Week?

评选2008年流行语,“山寨”当有一席之地。To choose the catchword of 2008, Simulated Culture must be included.

在娱乐周刊评选出的影史最佳影片中名列第二位。Was voted the 2nd Greatest film of all time by Entertainment Weekly.

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2007年一家杂志评选台湾百大名模,她名列第七。She was ranked no. 7 in a magazine's Taiwan's Top 100 models in 2007.

今年获选“技术先锋”的企业分布于五大洲,这在评选历史中尚属首次。This year, for the first time, the winners hail from five continents.

这次“最佳着装榜”评选是在Glamour.Com网站进行的,约有2.5万人参与了投票。Around 25,000 people voted in the Glamour.Com Best Dressed Brits List.

最终,评选出了罗镇制茶能手给予了表彰奖励。Finally, selected the town of Lo given recognition awards tea experts.

罗伊是美国时代周刊评选出的2010年全球百大影像力人物之一。Roy is among Time Magazine's Top 100 most influential people for 2010.

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伦敦出租车司机在服务态度和路线熟悉程度两项的评选中名列榜首。London taxi drivers were voted both friendliest and most knowledgeable.

艾默生过程控制奖学金每学年评选一次。The Emerson Process Management Scholarship will be awarded once a year.

但此次评选活动的幕后策划者以及他们的目的尚不清楚。But it is unclear who is behind the campaign and what their motives are.