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他们将用煤气取代煤火。They will replace coal fires by gas.

炉子里生着小小的煤火。A small coal fire burned in the grate.

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我们到家时,煤火还在燃烧。The fire was still in when we got home.

几天以来,他们靠着煤火煮熟的玉米度日。For days they lived on corn stew cooked over a coal fire.

暖气炉里的煤火很快地使室内温暖起来。The coal fire in the hot-air heater quickly warmed the house.

现在中国大多数家庭已经用煤气代替了煤火。Now most of families in China have replaced coal fires with gas.

房子里没有煤火,他们两个人都没吸过烟。There were no coal fires in the house and neither of them had ever smoked.

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和几棵果树。进屋后,我们坐在煤火前,用绘花的磁制茶具品茶。Inside, we sit before a coal fire and sip tea from a service in floral porcelain.

“我忘了,”他说,“你得准备一炉煤火。”"I came near forgetting," said he. "You are to have a brazier of charcoal ready."

在煤火区的应用证实了方法的实用性。Its application to a coal fire area demonstrates the practicability of the program.

1952年的那一天寒冷又晴朗,伦敦居民围在自家的煤火前取暖。On that cold, clear day in 1952, Londoners huddled around their coal fires for warmth.

煤火不仅消耗大量资源,而且污染环境,对矿井的安全生产也构成极大的威胁。The coal fire not only consumes the massive resources, but also pollutes the environment.

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他惊异地走过去,看到燃烧的煤火上坐着一个魔鬼,矮小,乌黑。Full of astonishment, he went up to it. A little black devil was sitting on the live coals.

我不知不觉地站到了壁炉前,拢着两手在一堆热烘烘的煤火上烤着。I found myself standing before a fireplace, warming my hands over a mound of glowing coals.

该方法的提出为利用氡气法获取更多的煤火信息提供了新途径。The new method can provide a useful means for extracting more information about the coal fire from the radon measurement.

在大多数发展中国家,暴露于煤火产生的烟雾使患肺癌的危险增加1倍,特别在往往比男子吸烟少的妇女中。Exposure to smoke from coal fires doubles the risk of lung cancer, in particular among women who tend to smoke less than men in most developing countries.

宁夏汝箕沟矿区煤田的煤火蔓延速度很快,对资源造成了极大的浪费,煤的燃烧又对生态环境产生了极大的危害。The scope of coal fire located in Rujigou coalfield in Ningxia was spreading very rapidly, hugely wasted the coal resources and harmed the ecological environment.

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一个男人在彻夜排队加油的时候点燃煤火炉,因而一氧化碳中毒而死。A man died from carbon monoxide poisoning in Iwate Prefecture after he lit a briquette stove in his car to keep warm while waiting overnight in a long line for gas.

以内蒙古乌达煤田火区为实例,论述了煤火环境影响综合评价的实施过程。The fires in Wuda coalfield of Inner Mongolia is taken as an example to show the application of comprehensive assessment of environmental impact of coalfield fires.

人们为了使当下的生活舒适,使用煤火和煤气灯,将原始时期储存下来的太阳的光和热释放出来,这些光和热之前已经在海底和地下埋藏了无数年。Our coal fires and gas lamps bring out, for our present comfort, heat and light of the primeval sun, which have lain dormant beneath seas and mountains for countless ages.