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那时,外国侵略者享有不受中国法律官辖的“治外法权”。The foreign aggressors enjoyed "extraterritoriality" in those days.

他们享有治外法权,并且不受中国法律管辖。They enjoyed extraterritoriality, and were not governed by China's laws.

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外商之所以敢无视中国法令,则主要因其有治外法权为护符。The main reason why they despised China's laws and decrees was that they were protected by the extraterritoriality.

最后,我们有治外法权,并利用这一法律的好处,以极为活跃在鸦片贸易。Finally, we had extraterritoriality and used this legal advantage in order to be extremely active in the opium trade.

伊临时过渡政府对多国部队的军事行动只享有发言权,无否决权,联军享有治外法权。Iraqi Interim Government has no veto upon the military actions of the coalition troops, which enjoy the extraterritoriality.

这也就是说,如果是在战斗或值勤期间,犯罪的美国军人还是享有治外法权。This i. e. , if in fight or being in charge of quarters period, the crime American serviceman enjoys the extraterritoriality.

法权会议是北洋政府通过外交途径撤废治外法权的一次尝试。The Extraterritoriality Conference was an attempt by the Beiyang government to abolish extraterritoriality in China through diplomatic channels.

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日本是亚洲第一个现代化的国家就其本身来说,远离殖民地或半殖民地的控制之苦,甚至,1895年以后,治外法权。Japan was the first Asian country to modernize on its own terms, outside of colonial or semi-colonial control, or even, after 1895, extraterritoriality.

军事治外法权法案的起诉对象并未延伸至为国务院提供服务的机构,如2007年黑水公司员工在Nisur广场开枪,致使14名伊拉克人死亡。MEJA does not extend to those serving the State Department, such as the Blackwater workers who opened fire in Nisur Square in 2007, killing at least 14 Iraqis.

鸦片战争以前,英国便企图以国内立法并采取各种手段获取在华治外法权,但均未成功。Prior to the Opium War, Britain had attempted to acquire the extraterritoriality in China by domestic legislation and all sorts of tricks, but they had all failed.

在近代中国,外人享有的治外法权不仅有其政治和法律层面的内容,还有其经济层面的影响。In modem China, the extraterritoriality foreigners enjoyed not only had political and legal dimensions in its con- tent, but also had the impact in its economic level.

这样,他们就看中了孙中山的国民党,这个党的纲领正是废除治外法权,维护民族独立。Thus they began to look with favor on the Kuomintang of Dr. Sun Yat-sen which had just such a program of abolishing extraterritoriality and founding an independent nation.

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由于十九世纪下半葉亚洲人以及來自邻近其他欧洲殖民被保护地的人民涌入暹羅,因此对暹羅官方來說,領事裁判权成为「恼人的治外法权」。However, owing to the influx of the Asiatic subjects and protégés from the neighboring European colonies, it became "burdensome extraterritoriality" in the late nineteenth century.