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已定购新鲜椅垫。Fresh seat cushion on order.

我需要图书,我定购图书。I need books. I order books.

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我们还定购了阿拉伯语的版本。We have it on order in Arabic.

印度则定购了18架幻影2000D。India has ordered 18 Mirage 2000D.

目前有什么我没去外国疑问代您定购的吗?Is tITe anything I can book for you now?

他们取消了货物定购单。They cancelled their order for the goods.

马丁打电报定购鲜花送给女朋友。Martin telegraphed flowers to his girlfriend.

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我将定购以20英尺集装箱包装的数量试销。I give as a trial order Quantity in 20Ft Cont.

当然可以猜到电话那边的主人一定是特意定购。I guess the ower of the call must order the song.

大量定购的话我们还有折扣。Then we offer quantity discounts for larger orders.

你得自己定购食品,自己端到餐桌上。You order your food and take it to a table yourself.

我可以定购食物,把我的钱、爱情和工作安排得妥妥当当。I can order food, and manage my money, love and work.

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我们向他们定购了一千双鞋。We placed an order with them for 1,000 pairs of shoes.

识货的人能通过网上商店定购一份六盒装的。Connoisseurs can order a six-pack at onlinestore.smucker.

目前咱们能向你定购的只有棉织品。What we can order from you right now are not cotton goods.

我们将更改那定购及在这个星期内送货。D︰Wel amend the order and deliver the goods within this week.

选项2.5.2一般都是与线上混合器一起被定购的。Option 2.5.2 is almost always required with an In-Line Mixer.

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在行政管家的同意下定购花卉。Ordering of flowers after the approval of the Exec. Housekeeper.

我会问问那个卖鱼的,看看他能否给我定购3打牡蛎。I'll ask the fishmonger if he can order three dozen oysters for me.

中国民航向联想公司定购了一些新型电脑。The CAAC has ordered some new types of computers from Legend Company.