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用蓝色柔韧的枝条?By withes of supple blue?

冷杉的枝条平衡着雪。Fir branches balance the snow.

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几根枝条和一只从一元店买的鸟。Sticks and a dollar store bird.

树被伐倒并被砍去枝条。The tree was felled and limbed.

她把庭院里的枝条拾起来。She picked up sticks in the yard.

孕育幼芽的枝条伸展着扇子招摇。The budding twigs spread out their fan.

最成熟的桃子在最高的枝条。The ripest peach is highest on the tree.

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树枝旁得捆一根长枝条。A long stick should be tied to the stick.

一根枝条可着生几个花序。A single branch may bear several catkins.

只是那野曲压抑着枝条。But that wild music burthens every bough.

把一棵植物的枝条压进土里。Pusg a branch from a plant into the soil.

他将枝条嫁接在苹果树上。He grafted the branch onto the apple tree.

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小麻雀在枝条间飞来飞去。Little sparrows fluttered among the branches.

这只海鹦正在为筑巢而收集枝条。This puffin was collecting twigs for his nest.

再会吧,枝条横斜的森林!Farewell to the forests and wild hanging woods!

坚果和几枝长有红浆果的枝条。Nuts and or a few sprigs of pretend red berries.

我看到了焦黑的枝条上全是血,那血止不住的流。I saw a black branch with blood that kept drippin.

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这些蔷薇是从种子长大的,还是由枝条扦插而来的?Were these roses grown from seed or from cuttings?

珍妮用她自己种的柳树的枝条编篮子。Jenny weaves baskets from willow she grows herself.

你可以用家园树的枝条做一把你自己的弓。You may make your own bow from the wood of Hometree.