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我无法把这污点洗去。I can't wash the spot away.

现在来看,什么是污点呢?Now, what is it that defiles?

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太多的污点将杂波。Too many stains will clutter.

摒弃污点和羞耻。From dishonour and from shame.

无原罪就是“无污点“的意思“Immaculate means "without stain."

谎言是一个人丑陋的污点。A lie is an ugly blot on a person.

现在她的名声上,没有什么污点。There is now no slight on her name.

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小豆的衣服上有些泥巴的污点。There were mud marks on Roo's shirt.

他轻轻地用手帕拂拭污点。He flicked at spot with handkerchief.

我研究着空心天花板上的一个污点。I examine a stain on the tile ceiling.

皮肤通常苍白有污点。The skin is usually pale and splotchy.

真幸运她要是叫大污点怎么办?What if her name was Big Ugly Splotch ?

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干净的布上易发现污点。A spot is most seen on the finest cloth.

还是一片没有破损、没有污点的皮肤?Or a swath of unbroken, unblemished skin?

每个家庭的锅子都有黑色的污点。Every family cooking-pot has a black spot.

在那儿美为污点披上了轻纱。Where beauty's veil doth cover every blot.

你看用汽油能把这些污点去掉吗?。Can you take these taints out with gasoline?

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这将成为他记忆中一个不可磨灭的污点。It will remain an indelible stain on his memory.

要有30年没有污点的服刑档案。Just have a spotless record for the last 30 years.

奶酪上存在的污点是擦不掉的。The stain of cheesiness that remains is indelible.