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唐纳德·特朗普添外孙女了。Donald Trump has a new grandchild.

她的外孙女詹妮·丽贝卡,还是艾米莉?Her granddaughter Jenny Rebecca, or is it Emily?

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这对夫妇有一个女儿和一个外孙女。The couple has one daughter and one granddaughter.

海伦什么时候来中国看她的外孙女?When is Helen going to visit her granddaughter in China?

王母娘娘的外孙女下凡到人间。The granddaughter of the Goddess of Heaven visited the earth.

老史密斯夫妇有一个女儿和三个外孙女。Old Mr. and Mrs. Smith have a daughter and three granddaughters.

罗伯特和莎莉是约翰和莎拉的外孙和外孙女。Robert and Sally are John's and Sarah's grandson and granddaughter.

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我的外孙女决定复习这些有价值的知识。My granddaughter makes her own decision to review the valuable knowledge.

拉贾尼是M先生长女的女儿,他的外孙女。Rajani was Mr. M's granddaughter, the child of his oldest married daughter.

我期待着看我的女儿和她的女儿,我的外孙女。A I'm looking forward to seeing my daughter and her daughter, my granddaughter.

附近有个女孩只有31岁但已经有一个外孙女了。There's a girl nearby who is just 31 years old and already has a granddaughter.

第一点,她想跟远在米兰深造的外孙女通过网络电话聊天。First of all, she wanted to talk to her granddaughter, who studied in Milan, on Skype.

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下个星期外孙女会在她的大学举办一场诗歌朗诵会,想要朗读迈克尔的一些诗。She's doing a poetry reading at her college next week and wants to include a few of Michael's poems.

老赛地肉孜是最后一个知道外孙女怀孕的人,他没有说一句话。Saderoz was the last one to know that his granddaughter was pregnant. He didn't speak a word about it.

与此同时,柏芝的妈妈也宣布该喜讯,并表示希望柏芝能为她生一个外孙女。Cheung's mother also announced the good news to the public, and wished to have a granddaughter this time.

他们的小外孙女Catrin和Elin以及Yngve哥哥的全家约定在一起庆祝这个节日。Their granddaughter Catrin and Elin and Yngve's brother's family decided to celebrate the festival together.

拿著吃著,我们总觉得自己是世上最幸福的外孙女。A pack of Tic-Tac was already enough to make us feel like we were the most blessed grandchildren in the world.

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同时,通过向公众宣称她已结婚,M先生也很好地保护了他的外孙女,村民们说。M had done well to protect this child in the meantime, the villagers said, by marking her publicly as married.

了然尼生于1797年,是日本战国时代大名武田信玄的外孙女*。The Buddhist nun known as Ryonen was born in 1797. She was a graddaughter of the famous Japanese warrior Shingen.

除了工作,电脑也帮助她联系其他人,尤其是在伦敦的外孙女。Apart from work, computers help her communicate with other people, particularly with her granddaugter from London.