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川普总统说,旅游限令对国家安全至关重要。The president said the order was vital for national security.

星期日,他限令内阁在100天内改进工作,否则就被罢免。On Sunday, he gave his cabinet 100 days to improve or be fired.

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川普政府也可以改变这一限令,包括改变其适用范围或持续时间。The administration also could change the order, including altering its scope or duration.

不过值得肯定的是,现在捕鲸是有限令的,因为现在对黑鲸鱼肉的需求降低了。Positive is that for now 'whaling' is limited, as the demand for the black whale meat is low.

在限令颁布的九个月之前,英国已对虚假申请者进行过一次大力清除。The restrictions come only nine months after a major overhaul aimed at weeding out false applicants.

美国在奥巴马总统访古之前放宽与古巴的通航和交易限令。America loosened restrictions on travel to, and transactions with, Cuba ahead of Barack Obama's visit.

如果2008年北京奥运会期间实施的限令能成为常规举措,或将挽救一万人的生命。If restrictions put in place during the 2008 Beijing Olympics became regular it would save 10,000 lives.

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之所以进行这一限令,是因为最近发生了大量有关打车司机的丑闻,从而使得民众对这一新兴行业反应消极。This comes in the wake of a number of scandals that have attracted negative attention to the rising industry.

由于投资者担心,放贷限令可能会阻碍增长,资源和建筑类股也有所下跌。Resources and construction stocks also went into retreat amid concerns that the lending clampdown might crimp growth.

谷歌服从这种限令的决定不仅在其内部引起分歧,也一直是世人激烈争论的焦点。The decision to go along with the restrictions has been the subject of fierce debate, not least within Google itself.

而三年之后,前任总理温家宝才颁布购房限令、提高首付金额、预防房地产泡沫。That was three years before former Premier Wen Jiabao imposed home-purchase curbs and raised down payments to prevent a housing bubble.

狗娃取得猿飞信任,取消让狗娃三日之内挖到宝藏的限令并给狗娃加派人手去挖宝藏。Fly ape trust gowardesh, cancel to gowardesh dig treasure restrictions and within three days to gowardesh communications to dig the treasure.

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华为与中兴通讯均表示,尚未接到印度政府对于相关限令的正式通知。the two big Chinese gear makers, both say they have not received any formal communication from the Indian government regarding the restrictions.

当机器人锁定目标时,监管员将检查一系列预先设置的,基于交战规则和战争法律的限令。When a robot locked onto a target, the governor would check a set of preprogrammed constraints based on the rules of engagement and the laws of war.

这个标准给予了政府对于医疗系统花费的控制权,比如出台大量的政府限令以及对于对于医疗保障准入率的掌控。This model involves government domination of spending on medical care that involves extensive government regulation and rationing of access to medical care.

抗争古迹限制的三峡民权街,在限令解除、恢复平静后,又该何去何从?After successfully protesting historic site zoning restrictions, now that quiet has returned to Sanhsia's Minchuan Street, what path shall residents choose next?

美国一个联邦上诉法院本周将就川普政府请求结束暂停旅行限令一案作出裁决。U. S. federal appeals court expects to issue a ruling sometime this week on the government's request to end a temporary pause of President Donald Trump's travel ban.

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川普总统说,旅游限令对国家安全至关重要。但批评者说,限令歧视穆斯林,他们也质疑旅行限令作为一种安全措施是否有效。The president said the order was vital for national security. But critics said the ban discriminated against Muslims, and they questioned its value as a security measure.

里根限令航管员48小时内返回工作岗位,然后解雇了拒绝返岗的11,000多人,聘用新的工作人员取代他们,并且解散了这个工会。Reagan gave the controllers 48 hours to return to their jobs, and then fired the 11,000-plus who refused to return, replacing them with new workers and breaking the union.

限令将学生的英语能力要求由现行的初级英语水平提高到英国高中毕业考试水平。The restrictions will include a requirement that students speak English well enough to pass British high school exams, not just the “beginner’s English” required previously.